nVidia/ATi whos the winner !

The test's says it all ! 8) Thx too, NVnews. net !.

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516 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-25
The test's says it all ! 8)

Thx too, NVnews.net !

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Responses to this topic


1352 Posts
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Joined 2004-02-01
i think that Nvidia has the better High-end-cards, too

that´s why i bought a NVidia again :)


93 Posts
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Joined 2003-08-27
Yea Benchmarks from a Nvidia fansite with 100000 die-hard Nvidia fanatics

:hail: NVIDIA :knife:

How nice
Hip Hip Hoorey :roll:

By the way
I see it's the X1800XL not the X1800XT

How smart from Nvnews of Comparing the X1800XL with the Geforce 7800GTX :lol:


77 Posts
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Joined 2003-12-28
Yea Benchmarks from a Nvidia fansite with 100000 die-hard Nvidia fanatics
That's also what I thought.

How smart from Nvnews of Comparing the X1800XL with the Geforce 7800GTX
That was my second thought: What makes those cards directly comparable? The price? The specifications (memory, clock rates)?

Imho, just posting some numbers without any context doesn't say anything. But sadly that's how it works. That's why AMD invented those names like 3200+, because people only look out for high numbers. 2200 MHz (AMD) vs. 3000 MHz (Intel)? AMD's CPUs must be crap. Oh wait, 3200+? They must be better!


45 Posts
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Joined 2005-09-24
ah, with all due respect, yeah, price, you cant compare a 512 card to a 256 one, and try super high res and say, ah, the 512 won, duh! ofcourse it will win, the xt is 150$ higher, and X2 the mem, there is a reason nvidia didnt bring out the 512 yet, a. no body needs it b. they waiting for ati to bring it so they can have a counter weapon, i dont care what has a higher speed, but what have a better performance per buck, and with all due respect nvidia kicked ati's ass with that, i had a 9800, that series rocked, but taking out a card, with the same perforamance, a lot higher tag 5 months later than the compatition, thats failure.


501 Posts
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Joined 2002-11-19
I remember the days of "OMG ATI IS ROXORING NVIDIA OMG"


Personally, I hae been an nvidia fan for a long time.
And, I knew they would come back!

Heres to NVIDIA

Also, the optimization drivers / games days/.
Where ATI is the last to commit that crime!