Nobody can comment on the front page!

Oh, Man. . . These Asus-Tools are out for ages. . . Nothing new!! by: claudevsq.

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29 Posts
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Joined 2003-04-30
:( You guys made some site changes thats cool, but now it seems nobody can log in the front page anymore! Take a look, it's a ghost town there today, virtualy 0 comments.

I can't log on either. :(

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Responses to this topic


277 Posts
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Joined 2002-02-10
I can't get in either, even after a couple of password resets it still says login incorrect. A couple of people seem to be able to login (one or two comments are there) but I certainly can't.

Hope this gets fixed soon. :D


29 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-04-30
I'm thinking those comments are there because those people didn't clear their cookies recently... but once you do, it's all gone, can't log in! :(


621 Posts
Location -
Joined 2001-08-26
Yeah I know the problem. We are on it to fix it but it is not easy to figure out :-((

I keep u informed


277 Posts
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Joined 2002-02-10
Thanks Degger.

We all appreciate the great amount of work you (and the other admins) put in to keep W2S running.


29 Posts
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Joined 2003-04-30
w00t! It looks like it's fixed, I was able to log on with my old name! :D


29 Posts
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Joined 2003-04-30
Ok, I shouldn't have spoken too soon. I was on my other PC where the cookies where still intact, so I guess it remember my user info. I tried today on the main PC to log in and it didn't work.


29 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-04-30
Ok, just wanted to say that today I was able to log-in with my dzjepp account, instead of using an ALT acc. Great! It looks like you guys have fixed this little problem then? :wink: