Need working copy of XP

:roll: Can anyone help me acquire a working copy of Win XP? Please email me with your requirements. Thanx. :wink: Degger*: Hi guys, please notice our rules! We can´t allow links to crackz or something like that !!.

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1 Posts
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Joined 2002-06-18
:roll: Can anyone help me acquire a working copy of Win XP? Please email me with your requirements. Thanx. :wink:

Degger*: Hi guys, please notice our rules! We can´t allow links to crackz or something like that !!

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277 Posts
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Joined 2002-02-10
A copy of ***********, a ********** search for "*******" and a *******
or a copy of ******* and any *******on *********

or a few hundred $$$ and a software store.


621 Posts
Location -
Joined 2001-08-26
Hi guys! As you can see in our forum rules, we can´t allow links and tipps to crackz, warez keygens and tha kind of stuff ! Please stop posting about these topics.