Need an easy way to login on the main page

Why isn't there a place to login on the main warp2search. com news webpage? If there is one I can't see it. It's not very user-friendly to have to go into my account (or whatever it is) and login there and then come back out to the main webpage.

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2 Posts
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Joined 2006-02-02
Why isn't there a place to login on the main news webpage? If there is one I can't see it. It's not very "user-friendly" to have to go into "my account" (or whatever it is) and login there and then come back out to the main webpage. Every other website I visit seems to have a place to login right towards the top of the main webpage. Just a suggestion.


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Responses to this topic


1352 Posts
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Joined 2004-02-01
of course, u have to go to "Your Account", but than u have ur login, if ur locked in click "home" and that´s it

that are 2 clicks

but ur suggestion is ok, if u don´t use cookies
maybe we can do something


0 Posts
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I don't know how often you want to log in ... but log in once I installed firefox and the next login is when I do a total reinstall month or years later ...
maybe you should check your cookie settings to stay logged in


9 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-12
Login on the main page is screwed at the mo' I can login to the forum np but main page I just get an invalid username error.