How 2 force reinstall of DX9.0c

Having a problem with running the Sims2 at the moment so I thought it might be down to the fact that I have a older build of DX9.0c than the official release or the one that comes with SP2.

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Joined 2002-09-26
Having a problem with running the Sims2 at the moment so I thought it might be down to the fact that I have a older build of DX9.0c than the official release or the one that comes with SP2.

However when you run the dxwebsetup or dxsetup it says you are up to date, so I cheated to make it think I had an old one.

Run regedit,
go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/DirectX
Change the following keys - to,
InstalledVersion - 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 00
Version -

Now run dxsetup again and it does the business, and sets these keys to what they should be.

As always please be careful using regedit. + there is probably a simpler way to do this but I couldn't find it, and I'm just trying to get this friggin game to work.

But it still doesn't... but at least I know DX9.0c is up to date.

Oh, and I didn't install SP2 because I don't want or need it.

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Responses to this topic


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this topic is already discussed here ...
its NOT a problem of direct X ... its somekind of another problem ...
had the same thing with HALO and a command line switch fixed the problem ... but I don't remember it ...
you may look up support forum or give the exact title of the message


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Joined 2002-09-26
Ok thanks Mertsch, if you could give me a link to the original article on RE-INSTALLING DIRECTX,



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nope I ment
but actually just changing the version in the registry makes u able to reinstall dx again
like u showed up

actually the 9c entry is

00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00

so changing it to the value u given should make u able to install DX9

when you backup the entry that chance of killing someting is 0.0000000001