Firefox keeps quiting on Windows Vista Busniess

Hey this is my first time in the fourms so yea heres the best i can do. . . Firefox keeps quiting when i try to view my myspace page and other myspace pages as well as other internet pages.

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4 Posts
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Joined 2007-12-01
Hey this is my first time in the fourms so yea heres the best i can do...
Firefox keeps quiting when i try to view my myspace page and other myspace pages as well as other internet pages. It will stop working then the window will turn a faded white, and then it will pop up and error message that says that "Firefox Has stopped working" and it only gives me one option and that is to close the program! can anyone give me some ideas ?

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Responses to this topic


202 Posts
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Joined 2003-10-05
What version of FireFox? Tried updating yet?


4 Posts
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Joined 2007-12-01
Yea its the latest version.. its i think or somthing like that


4 Posts
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Joined 2007-12-01
also on another note my internet explorer keeps soon as it loads the pages it quits...heres a screen shot...well i couldnt get a screen shot cuz its gay and internet explorer and firefox arnt quiting at the moment, but the bug will be doubt


4 Posts
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Joined 2007-12-01
ANd With out that doubt here it is and somthing else happened the host process Runddl32 Stoped working, or a program that was running under Runddl32 stopped working and it cause the host process to fail whats goin on!?stopped.jpgrunddl32.jpg