cant login to website but can in the forums

i 'can' log into the forums however. . . . but from the home page when i attempt to comment on a news read i hit the register/login, i enter my user id and password, it brings up my information and tells me my status is offline.

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2 Posts
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Joined 2001-10-02
i 'can' log into the forums however....but from the home page when i attempt to comment on a news read i hit the register/login, i enter my user id and password, it brings up my information and tells me my status is
so i am always held as anonymous...whats the deal with this?

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Responses to this topic


9 Posts
Location -
Joined 2002-06-19
Oops, I should have read this before posting a new thread - I am having exactly the same trouble, and I want to leave a comment on the domains, the people need to be warned



621 Posts
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Joined 2001-08-26
Check ur cookie settings. Maybe ur browser blocks the internal W2S cookie.


154 Posts
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Joined 2003-06-09
You have to enable cookies.