can't login anymore in web site

hey! i've chosen another theme in my account and here's the error i get : Warning: Failed opening 'themes/__/theme. php' for inclusion (include_path='. :/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/warp2search/www/header.

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Joined 2002-03-24

i've chosen another theme in "my account" and here's the error i get :

Warning: Failed opening 'themes/__/theme.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/warp2search/www/header.php on line 47

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: themeheader() in /home/warp2search/www/header.php on line 58

the only way to avoid this error is to delete cookies in iexplorer...
so i can't login anymore otherwise i'll get the error above forever
anyone know what to do in this kind of situation please ??

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Responses to this topic


202 Posts
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Joined 2003-10-05
zanysmash I agree with yor argument.

What the heck are you trying to achieve with your posts???

Zanysmash: Send a mail to the webmaster. He must fix that in the Users-CP of his Admin area. There is nothing else you can do.

Sorry M8!


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Joined 2001-08-26

What the heck are you trying to achieve with your posts???

Zanysmash: Send a mail to the webmaster. He must fix that in the Users-CP of his Admin area. There is nothing else you can do.

Sorry M8!

Dimvlaan, I agree with yor argument :beer: :finger: :angel:


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Joined 2004-02-01
u should ask how many post mertsch and me have deleted of him
amazing :-)

but all the spammers should go to hell


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indeed ... it was not him
but there were many of those posts already just instantly delete it without replying to it !
else pretty much old threads will be shown all over the place
when deleting those BS post the topic will go back to its original location in history