Annoyed with ATI drivers
This is a discussion about Annoyed with ATI drivers in the Ati General Topics category; Ohh, come on please post some new news. . .
This topic was started by Dark Biene, . Last reply by Hancoque,
so i bought a Radeon 9800 pro
before i was a happy NVidia user with no probs
first i deinstalled all Nvidia Graphic driver
and some NVFiles for Driver
then i wanted to install the Cat 4.3
mhhhh....only 16 colours
after restart, the same, only 16 colours
then i tried the Omega (4.2), these i could install and they worked with 1024x768x32bit
then i wanted to upgrade the resolution
pöhhhh....i didn´t work
the desktop was in higher resolution but my monitor was in 1024x768
then i wanted to try the Cat 4.3
pöhhh....i couldn´t install
i had to install these drivers in the "VGA MODUS" !!!
i had NEVER those probs with NVidia !
then the same prob with the resolution
after hours i chatted to Mertsch
then i found out, that the ATI Driver detects my Monitor at a resolution of 1024 because it´s a 17"
ok, but i want a 1280x1024 res
so then i tried to write these numbers in the driver for my Monitor
pööhhh---didn´t work
again after hours, i don´t know who, it worked
i could upgrade my monitor and desktop to 1280x1024
wow...i was happy
and now....all games run at 60hz.....
ok now i installed Refresh Force....i hope it works
NVidia has the same prob, ok, but they include this Refresh Force Future in their Driver....better Job :-)
i think it´s only the beginning of my ATI Driver SAGA.....
tooo bad....
if the drivers wouldn´t go better, then my first ATI is my last ATI !
before i was a happy NVidia user with no probs
first i deinstalled all Nvidia Graphic driver
and some NVFiles for Driver
then i wanted to install the Cat 4.3
mhhhh....only 16 colours
after restart, the same, only 16 colours
then i tried the Omega (4.2), these i could install and they worked with 1024x768x32bit
then i wanted to upgrade the resolution
pöhhhh....i didn´t work
the desktop was in higher resolution but my monitor was in 1024x768
then i wanted to try the Cat 4.3
pöhhh....i couldn´t install
i had to install these drivers in the "VGA MODUS" !!!
i had NEVER those probs with NVidia !
then the same prob with the resolution
after hours i chatted to Mertsch
then i found out, that the ATI Driver detects my Monitor at a resolution of 1024 because it´s a 17"
ok, but i want a 1280x1024 res
so then i tried to write these numbers in the driver for my Monitor
pööhhh---didn´t work
again after hours, i don´t know who, it worked
i could upgrade my monitor and desktop to 1280x1024
wow...i was happy
and now....all games run at 60hz.....
ok now i installed Refresh Force....i hope it works
NVidia has the same prob, ok, but they include this Refresh Force Future in their Driver....better Job :-)
i think it´s only the beginning of my ATI Driver SAGA.....
tooo bad....
if the drivers wouldn´t go better, then my first ATI is my last ATI !
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I found this link: Maybe it helps.
and what was the problem ... I forgot ... I did change one thing to my PC ... I set the RAID controller just to another PCI slot ... not the first one !!!!!
why I did that ... I wanted to max out performance giving each device one single PCI BUS part ... to eliminate resource conflicts without APIC mode in windows ...
I changed back the card and now its working again ...
what does this show ???
1. ATi sucks even more
3. ATi card did not work ...
4. what about drivers ... 4.2 works half ... 4.3 doesn't completely ????
driver is not loaded was the error ... but I was alble to play UT 2k4 and anyother game without a flaw ????
5. what was the first thing I got when reinstalling 4.3 on a working - ATi friendly config ????
damn my monitor does support 120Hz whatz damn value is set by ati that it does shut down my monitor ???
next time I will thing at least 100 times before buying ati again ...
and btw
WHO EVER NEED TO UNINSTALL nVidia driver for updating ????
on ATi its essential
I used to uninstall the NVidia ones because it asks you to do so after version 4x.xx. :)
and what was the problem ... I forgot ... I did change one thing to my PC ... I set the RAID controller just to another PCI slot ... not the first one !!!!!
ATi is really annoying me ...
now that I did not want all this trouble I though of reinstalling with SP2 RC1 integred ... and voila its done ...
first everythign worked fine ...
the cat integrated into SP2 is just like on nvidia a light version ... giving basical support but not real 3D features not a control panel ...
but after restart ... BANG 16 colors again ...
I really was shortly before destroying the ati card if it would ne have cost me 300€
so I tried some things ... what have I installed that may interfear with cat. ....
I removed numerous autostarts ... added them again installed apps ...
and so on and so on ...
in the end nothing helped
because there is simply no app causing this ...
but hey after deinstalling daemon tools it works ?
cool that may be the new version ...
NO ITS no after next restart 16 colors again ...
in the end it showed up that the 16 color bug is totally random ...
it follows no rules ...
I did around 30 restarts .... whithout changing anything ... just boot up and click start --> restart ....
sometimes it worked sometimes not ... the not working thing was more often ...
sometimes 3 restarts worked the next not
A resourceconflict ??? LMAO
softwareproblem ??? LMAO
now I installed Omegas drivers and UP TO NOW !!! it works ... lets see how things devellop ....
the out of range thingy is because ... ati detects my monitor to handle Hz up to 160 ... this my be possible in 300x200 but not in 1024 !!! how can a driver be so stupid not to know that the highest refresh rate cannot be applied to any resolution !?!?
If you ATi guys are not going to fix at least the refreshrate bug this is definitiv my first and last ATI card
nVidia I am coming back home
oh and PLZ give your driver some reasonable version numer not this BS ... 3 or more diferent versions ... + the catalys version having nothing to do with the internal version
JUST GIVE THE FILES ONE DAMN version number and keep those internally there is no way to .... for example ... see what Cat is integrated into SP2
That is just unprofessional and confusing

oh mertsch,
ur talking our of my soul !!!!
as i wanted to install the Cat 4.4 there was the same prob like ever
like i said at beginning
with the omega the installation was fine
ur talking our of my soul !!!!
as i wanted to install the Cat 4.4 there was the same prob like ever
like i said at beginning
with the omega the installation was fine
Maybe it's due to a different installation routine. The ATI drivers run a couple of tests after the first initialization (the first reboot). If there fails something (whatever the reason is) the drivers don't get loaded and the non-accelerated windows standard driver is used instead.
You could extract the driver from the self-extracting archive and install it manually via the .inf files after you deinstalled any previous driver stuff. Then you don't have SMARTGART installed which checks your system for potential problems. Maybe there's a reason why ATI has a special SMARTGART uninstaller utility on their website.
You could extract the driver from the self-extracting archive and install it manually via the .inf files after you deinstalled any previous driver stuff. Then you don't have SMARTGART installed which checks your system for potential problems. Maybe there's a reason why ATI has a special SMARTGART uninstaller utility on their website.
hmmm this may be right .. BUT
the problem is not that it does not work in general ... it just works or work not based on luck so there is no real problem making it not work ... I mean if ya do a fresh install can there be any problem ?
the first time initialisation works without any problem ...
and as said ...
stid is a real bug because ...
1. when the driver is not installed I am not able to go into standby mode ... but it always works with cat installed 4bit or not
2. 3D games like UT2k4 work without any performance lost ... so driver is not loaded ??
and why does 4.2 differ from 4.3 / 4.4 ???
it is definitivly a software bug ... and up to now omega is working ... how long will show up some reboots later ...
the problem is not that it does not work in general ... it just works or work not based on luck so there is no real problem making it not work ... I mean if ya do a fresh install can there be any problem ?
the first time initialisation works without any problem ...
and as said ...
stid is a real bug because ...
1. when the driver is not installed I am not able to go into standby mode ... but it always works with cat installed 4bit or not
2. 3D games like UT2k4 work without any performance lost ... so driver is not loaded ??
and why does 4.2 differ from 4.3 / 4.4 ???
it is definitivly a software bug ... and up to now omega is working ... how long will show up some reboots later ...
I just bought my 9600xt and started off with deltting my nVIDIA drivers using detonator destroyer...then installed 4.2 cat.. WORKS FINE.....but wait ..installed 4.3 cat....WORKS FINE.... and now i put in cat 4.4 and take a guess.....WORKS FINE!! lol you know what hto i was reading through all of those posts....I found out the problem...AMD SUCKS!!!! lol j/k guys...I like amd also....but maybe there is some truth to that....maybe ati and AMD dont get along...I mean 60% of AMD mobo's are....well....nforce !
Please dont get mad at this post...I hope i didnt offend anyone...if you do however find this post offenesive please click the back button now, as you should probably not be usin the net on your mommy's puter :D
Please dont get mad at this post...I hope i didnt offend anyone...if you do however find this post offenesive please click the back button now, as you should probably not be usin the net on your mommy's puter :D
hey I am going through that cats since 3.5 and everyone worked - IF I ONLY LOOK AT THIS PROBLEM HERE !!! - perfect ... but whooo from one day to the other it gave me that bug ... as I said there is
NO logical reason for this ... I have no hardwarechanges and reinstalled windows so there couldn't be any hardware/software trouble
Lucky you that Ati detects you monitor correctly and does not set it beyond its possibilities ... but some time ago there was also a topic about ppl. getting their monitor killed since it does not support shutdown on to high refresh rates
and most important ITS RANDOM so if there really is any problem it has to apper any time not maybe this boot or maybe next
that changing the RAID card helped was just bad luck ...
NO logical reason for this ... I have no hardwarechanges and reinstalled windows so there couldn't be any hardware/software trouble
Lucky you that Ati detects you monitor correctly and does not set it beyond its possibilities ... but some time ago there was also a topic about ppl. getting their monitor killed since it does not support shutdown on to high refresh rates
and most important ITS RANDOM so if there really is any problem it has to apper any time not maybe this boot or maybe next
that changing the RAID card helped was just bad luck ...
Maybe I did have this problem....I dont know I have reason to believe I have a good monitor. It's an NEC Multisync FE950 ...maybe if someone has a higher end monitor they dont see this bug? Just a thought.
yes ATI driver is causing problem a lot compared tpo nvidia (ati always ad bad driver much b4 the radeon)
i got a ati 9600pro with nforce2 mobo and amd chip. i ad so many problem installing driver i discovered thats to install ati driver corectly once and for all you have to reboot computer in safe mode use search and delete ALL file starting with ATI and also get rid of any microsoft backup...
reboot in normal mode do another search ati*.* delete any you see now install the driver from ati.,.
it shud work after
i got a ati 9600pro with nforce2 mobo and amd chip. i ad so many problem installing driver i discovered thats to install ati driver corectly once and for all you have to reboot computer in safe mode use search and delete ALL file starting with ATI and also get rid of any microsoft backup...
reboot in normal mode do another search ati*.* delete any you see now install the driver from ati.,.
it shud work after

yep.....that was my way, too
but now i did a new install of windows with sp2 rc and then the installation works fine!
unbelievable *smile*
but i wonder how to kick the "60hz bug"? without any tools!
but now i did a new install of windows with sp2 rc and then the installation works fine!
unbelievable *smile*
but i wonder how to kick the "60hz bug"? without any tools!
Registry Biene?
its all within the registry ... just take a reg monitoring tool ... do that changes you want and save em to a .reg file ... so after reinstall just reapply em via double click ... or browse the web for premade .reg file
anyway the way more easy version is to have a modded monitor inf like I do have ... there is no more need to mod anything ... it just works
anyway the way more easy version is to have a modded monitor inf like I do have ... there is no more need to mod anything ... it just works
We all see Mertsch deserves his "MEGA GEEK" rating :P
1) Install drivers
a) Uninstall ATI drivers (catalysts) and ATI's control panel from Control Panel-> add/remove.
Reboot, click cancel to whatever driver install prompt. use Driver Cleaner**, select ATI and click clean.
c) Install latest Catalyst***
d) Reboot.
2) Install monitor drivers
a) Get monitor drivers** from your monitor site, or do a search in google. Unzip to a folder(eg. monitor)
Right click on My Computer-> Properties -> Hardware Tab -> Device Manager -> Click on plus arrow of 'Monitors' (it should show 'default monitor')
c) Right click on default monitor-> driver tab -> update driver -> display list of known drivers -> have disk -> Browse to your unzipped folder (eg. monitor) and select your monitor model.
d) No need to reboot... yet.
3) Use refreshlock for optimal refresh rates settings
a) Close, then re-open Refreshlock, (unzip to probably my documents)
Scroll down the detected frequencies and make sure they are correct (refer to your manual).
c) Click on for refresh overriding, and click save. Go to tools-> advanced settings, check Run program on boot.
d) Reboot**, refreshlock should auto run at the taskbar.
e) Go to display properties, Settings tab-> advanced, select display, click on monitor, change the maximum refresh to the on your monitor can use. (For example, my monitor's highest is 160hz on 640x480, so I chose 160hz.)
f) Click apply, and refresh lock will change the refresh rates to the optimal one that it reads from your monitor's drivers.
I hope i can help u .Cu Tek
a) Uninstall ATI drivers (catalysts) and ATI's control panel from Control Panel-> add/remove.
Reboot, click cancel to whatever driver install prompt. use Driver Cleaner**, select ATI and click clean.
c) Install latest Catalyst***
d) Reboot.
2) Install monitor drivers
a) Get monitor drivers** from your monitor site, or do a search in google. Unzip to a folder(eg. monitor)
Right click on My Computer-> Properties -> Hardware Tab -> Device Manager -> Click on plus arrow of 'Monitors' (it should show 'default monitor')
c) Right click on default monitor-> driver tab -> update driver -> display list of known drivers -> have disk -> Browse to your unzipped folder (eg. monitor) and select your monitor model.
d) No need to reboot... yet.
3) Use refreshlock for optimal refresh rates settings
a) Close, then re-open Refreshlock, (unzip to probably my documents)
Scroll down the detected frequencies and make sure they are correct (refer to your manual).
c) Click on for refresh overriding, and click save. Go to tools-> advanced settings, check Run program on boot.
d) Reboot**, refreshlock should auto run at the taskbar.
e) Go to display properties, Settings tab-> advanced, select display, click on monitor, change the maximum refresh to the on your monitor can use. (For example, my monitor's highest is 160hz on 640x480, so I chose 160hz.)
f) Click apply, and refresh lock will change the refresh rates to the optimal one that it reads from your monitor's drivers.
I hope i can help u .Cu Tek
I don't know what my monitor is :(

it´s that big thing in front of you !!
so, i tried Refreshlock
no chance to kick the 60hz out of the games !
i want my NVdrivers back :-(
so, i tried Refreshlock
no chance to kick the 60hz out of the games !
i want my NVdrivers back :-(
sorry no poblems here ,on D3D or OpenGL ,i have everyone optimal refreshing
it´s that big thing in front of you !!
so, i tried Refreshlock
no chance to kick the 60hz out of the games !
i want my NVdrivers back :-(
so get a modded monitor .inf !!!
did you say you got one ?
just ICQ it to mee and I'll have a look ... also search for my modding thread ... everything is said there
Dark Biene wrote:
it´s that big thing in front of you !!
so, i tried Refreshlock
no chance to kick the 60hz out of the games !
i want my NVdrivers back
60HZ Problem in all game?? OpenGL or D3D Games?