Enjoy ! http://members. cox. net/garikfox/ BIOS dated 5/06/05..
Is nVidia SLI needed ?
No way ! SLI and the UPGRADE that comes with it is absoLUTELY Expensive/and not needed. I took mine back and got what I have now but let's even say you buy it all, Ok WoW look at this Figuire :/ 2 x 6800U PCIe 700.
Updated Realtek NIC/NDIS driver available on WindowsUpdate
Good news for geeks with mainstream realtek adapters. There is a new driver for RTL 8xxx series available v5.615.716.2004 dated on 7/16/2004.It has some new power management and performance features you can modify in the device manager.
SUSE Prof 9.2 Live CDs/DVD
Dark Biene
huh. . . just found this nice info SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2 Live CDs/DVD are available for download The following images are available: * SUSE-Linux-9.2-LiveDVD.
XP Myths - Myths Regarding Windows XP
XP Myths - Myths Regarding Windows XP Myth (Definition) - A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. There are numerous Myths floating around the Internet regarding Windows XP, especially relating to Optimizations and Security.
Need bigger "Latest forum posts" box on main page
I think 5 latest forum posts is no longer enough. . . some submit news are pushed out of the box before people can read it. I suggest making it 10 latest forum posts.
King Kong - How a movie is made
Just wanted to show you the unofficial website of the upcoming movie King Kong, made by Peter Jackson, Director of Lord of the Rings. Why I am telling you that ? Well, most interesting on the website are the production diarys, which gives you a detailed view behing the scenes of shooting, post production and many more.
is my 9800pro going to die ?
Dark Biene
i just played MOHAA for 15min and then the PC freezed and the monitor went black i felt, that the memory was very hot, i´m using copper ram freezer, but i couldn´t touch them longer then 1 sec.
broadband and A64 site loads in 60 seconds
? wa? fix your server it should not take a minute to load a webpage esp when i have road runner and Athlon 64.:finger: ppl on dialup must be going insane waiting to load this site :knife: warp to the future! :finger: :knife: ya.
Best SLI mobo?
Guardian Angel
I'm thinking of building, so which is the best SLI mobo? I'm probably gonna go AMD, so was thinking bout the ASUS A8N-SLI. Mark. .
CRT Monitor got F'd up
I was playing counter strike and got owned and nailed my keyboard so hard that my monitor probably broke. Right before the picture went away there was a white vertical line then total blackness.
can't login anymore in web site
hey! i've chosen another theme in my account and here's the error i get : Warning: Failed opening 'themes/__/theme. php' for inclusion (include_path='. :/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/warp2search/www/header.
Prescott Processors
Nothing intersting, Counter-Strike sucking more and more with every release. .
Norton 2005 & edonkey
Guardian Angel
I just updated edonkey2000 to v1.1.Now for some reason, my Norton 2005 Worm Protection firewall won't permit it. I get the little box asking me do I want to permit or block it.
Vote for the Best Antivirus (According to your opinion...)
Hello to all users of this forum. . . !!! Doing some search lately around antivirus programs and I found that the whole subject is somewhat. . . confusing! Many different opinions for many products.
dvd region mismatch!!
hello. i want to backup a movie but dvd shrink ( and other programs ) says this : dvd region mismatch, dvdshrink can't open the disk unless you change the region code of your dvd drive.
April 05 Desktop Thread
Dark Biene
Another month starts and Yes its time make the change wallpaper/skin anything. . to make the desktop look new and fresh. Let the creativity flow. or just post ur simple minimilistic desktop.
The old Pop-Up Blocker question again
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good, easy to integrate, FREE, non-spyware, pop up blocker for IE6.Have been using the Google one but this just doesn't cut it any more with latest breed of pop ups.