The funny thing about these and the 28.32 drivers are that they work within the Nvidia Refresh Rate-Fix program, but they don't really do the job. Cause when you run the NV.
Forceware 71.80
Non-WHQL ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/Quadro_. . . P2K_NonWHQL. zip 6800's and others supported. .
WinXP x64 RC1 Released !
Woohoo !! http://microsoft. asp?id=dl.
Windows XP won't boot
The boot process goes as far as just after the screen with the XP logo and the horizontal loading bar, then the screen goes black. At this point the computer hangs.
Forceware 67.81 is out
We have nabbed this driver from IBM. It's for their G4x series of laptops (go5200) and is WHQL for that GPU only. I have modded the INF to support all GPU's, Desktop, Quadro's and Laptops.
Enable SLI no matter what !
SLI Game Launcher v1.2.1.126 Date: Jan 21, 2004 Size: 219Kb Thx to 3DChipset. com ! http://members. cox. net/garikfox/nvao. zip Very early beta version! Lets you play a game that is not officially supported in the SLI supported games list in SLI Mode or not You can select between AFR & SFR mode Improved user interf ...
Forceware 70.78 is out, Official and WHQL for most GPU's
nVidia have released this driver in their Certified Quadro section. WHQL for most desktop GPU's I have uploaded driver (14MB) and made INFs to add support for Mobile GPU's.
does anyone know any good program that will convert RMVB to VCD player executable format? thanks in advances
Blogging - An increadible Medium
WEB LOG (BLOG) For all of you tech heads out there that want to run your own site but don't have money for a hosting service or to pay for a domain name? Start Blogging.
windows xp sp2
I was having major issues when I installed the service pack 2.I found a download that fixed my machine if anyone else is interested. The software fixed that whole event ID 4226 thing and tripled my internet speed.
Radi Upgrade Story
Dark Biene
So, i finally upgraded my Radi :-) if u can´t remember, take a look here to see why i did that. . . . ok, this is my new baby: Up Down Side and btw i cleaned my desktop, because i´m using 2 PC´s and now i´ve got my KVM Switch :-) Before work @all That´s my PC - old look u also can see the old Radi there.
How to improve W2S ?
In the past 1/2 year i had not much time to work on W2s, cause of my job which tooks a lot of time. I also noticed that we have lost some visitors and I would like to ask why ? Please state how to improve W2S to bring her back, what is missing, what you would like to see.
January 05 Desktop Thread
Umm tried it, really like the idea, but it is a little buggy, move your mouse pinter over it and it pops up infront of apps which is very very annoying. Is it a bug, maybe, but wont be using it until it's fixed.
New Linux ATi driver due 17th Jan
Hi, For any one thats interested mtippett of ati posted on another forum that the linux drivers for Xorg 6.8 based linux distros are to be released on the 17th of Jan.
Forceware 67.65 is out, dated 30th Dec
ASUS have released this beta driver (not WHQL) It came in a 88MB package with 4 sets of drivers 2 sets of international and 2 sets of English only drivers. (both doubled up) I have uploaded the full version (11.
XP Pro Firewall w/SP2
I can not seem to shut off my XP Firewall,I click turn off but it doesn't? If anybody has any suggestions please let me know. .
Spin Ad
User have reported the there was a Spin Ad, which was very annoying. The banners from this company are removed. Best Niels.