What a shame and I forgot it, i forgot the 4th anniversary of Warp2Search which was on 12 June 2004.Time is running isn t it ?.
Popup WITH Virus!
You have one popup which links to a strange search engine with tries to install a exploit. codebaseexec, virus on your computer through internet explorer. Please can you look into this because ive NEVER had this popup problem before on warp2search with viruses trying to be installed to take advantage of ie bugs.
dial up problems
i have an intel 536ep modem about a week ago when i connected it revieves 227 bytes of data then it would stop i disabled my firewall etc and this keeps happening.
I am thinking of getting a note book. The reasons of buying is because i want to be mobile (easy to carry around, that's it). I am not concerning on the wireless or 802.
Forceware 61.80 beats al other driver sets
Forceware 61.80 beats al other driver sets. Farcry and Halo are faster now with these drivers. Vidcard Asus FX 5700/TD 256 OS: winXP Sp2 RC2..
For sale: Still Nice shiny Gold Box hehee, I paid 429.00 US Sell for about 250.00 ,Thing OC's like Crazy !! Linkage: http://www. giga-byte. com/VGA/Products/Prod.
Basic RDRAM query
Guardian Angel
Hi all, Just wanted to get a RDRAM query sorted out. My system is: Dell Dimension 8200 Intel P4 1.9Ghz 768mb RDRAM (2x128 + 2x256) Geforce 3 Ti200 60GB Hdd (7200rpm) 19 P991 Monitor I started out with 256MB of RAM, and just put in another 512 (given that RDRAM has to be added in identical pairs), giving atotal of 7 ...
Holiday Greetings
Maybe a nice idea for a new topic: Giving your holiday greetings from an internet cafe somewhere near your holiday location. My greetings are from Campitello, Dolomites, Italia.
"Modern-Warfare" TC for Moh:AA Scheduled for Relea
The highly anticapated total conversion mod for Medal Of Honor Allied Assault Modern-Warfare is scheduled to be released tomorow 07-02-04 at 6pm(est) Modern-Warfare has been in development for 2 years, The download of the 120mb file will include 7 new maps, 15 new weapons, about 50 new skins and a flyable chopper w ...
Suitable file system.
I have a dual boot system. Which is set up with Windows XP and Linux. My question is how do i put music file on a new partition (what file system should it be.
Does someon know how to configure Frozen Throne to work with a proxy server? I am behind a proxy (much more speed) and want to use it for playing Frozen Throne but can;t manage to do that.
Anyone knows a very good APP for HTTP-TUNNELING? I use a proxy and need to tunnel some applications Thank you in advance
Euro 2004
Yes, finally it has begun the Euro 2004 Championship in Soccer. And yesterday we had the first suprise, Greece beated portugal with 2:1.Today it will be interesting France against england.
Uninstall Intel Chipset driver
Hi warpers, i am running in a USB problem, and this occured after i install the intel chipset driver. Every time i start a cold boot, the second usb port which i used for my mouse just doesn't work.
NVIDIA RAID Driver, How To
I know from Experience this is not a easy task if yer used to loading XP to a RAID 0 array. With the new Nvidia RAID is a diff. story. Fist Download this file.
War against stylus is declared
This quite aggressive company unveils its PDA with its new input device : thumbs! http://www. jackito-pda. com I'm wondering if this kind of ergonomic innovation will be enough to compete with Palm and Pocket PC producers.
free alternative to illegal MP3 download :D
Damn I always loved the music comin with installers from CLASS, FLT and so on. . . I just kept the installer some tracks were just awesome. . now I was just listening to one again and though.
How To Build a Computer For Almost No Money (guide)
Lags seem to be much better, at least on the server I tried playing today (with 24 people at that), an hour straight with no tanks teleporting or anything. . .
Help Pick Out a Monitor?
I want someone to take a look at a site? To see whats the best monitor listed from 200 to 300 dollars https://www. azatek. com/pricelist. asp?CID=59 they all refurbished.