Date: 2025-03-09 02:41 | Last update:



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Soldner: Secret Wars

I just downloaded the demo and WOW this game is awesome. I was always a fan of CS, firearms mod, soldier of fortune 2 and etc. . . this game pushes boundries. 32 player multiplayer and 128 players on special servers.
7 2814
avatar Last reply by d3m0n5,

NFORCERSHQ Clothing, WoW !

Yep, Thx From a PM from our man himself nForcer He told me Our Clothing Line is ready ! here is the link ! Woot ! Off Topic: I, Ordered that cool black cap ! http://www.
3 1575
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

Top Ten First Person Shooters

the filsize is smaller then my version of PT and if you look at the Digital signature it is 20 days older then my version and my version is very old
36 9363
avatar Last reply by yeap,

New games?

This isn't NVIDIA's Polish server, it's just a NVIDIA-dedicated fan-site. This site/server is not runed by NVIDIA. Over and out. .
16 5214
avatar Last reply by yeap,

DOOM 3 Beta leak

These are just rumors at the moment as I haven't found the files yet? Anyone spotted the new leak, this seems to be a beta version unlike the alpha there a GUI and the mutiplayer there as well! Isonews and SR :hail:
9 5530
avatar Last reply by yeap,

NF7 problem....

hey i just RMA'd my abit NF-7, and when i turn it on, AbitEQ (motherboard hardware monitor) beeps constantly. i figured out that my -12v is this a really bad problem? i haven't noticed any difference yet, and its running great, but i didn't know if long term this was bad.
5 2815
avatar Last reply by khlorineking,

doom3 on 14/6 - as you said

hello on the 28 of may you wrote this news: http://www. warp2search. net/modules. php?nam. . . ticle&sid=18191 as you can clearly can read you have anounced that doom3 WILL be realsed on the 14th of july.
1 5131
avatar Last reply by huber,

Forceware 61.34

Anyone notice difference between this driver and the 61.40.I tried them both but no difference. Anyone ? place your comments in this threath please. .
4 2281
avatar Last reply by ThudZ3ro,

GMAIL invitation

Anyone kind enough to share a GMAIL invitation with me? Or maybe has the option to invite somenone else. PLEASE i really need it for educational purpose and also personal Thanks in advance, i would apreciate it very much Bye I can trade some cd-keys for it if u want.
14 3149
avatar Last reply by kyro,

outlook express folders

i just change my email address (to a non hotmail one) and updated outlook express i use another 1 for work and would like to keep the folders different for both of them how do i do this as they are currently both in 1 folder??
2 2722
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,


hello Im new here hope to have a long run. I have some questions and some comments. First let me say neowin is wonderful site for news and forums. I was a memeber off and on there for 2 years.
34 6988
avatar Last reply by Degger*,

NFS: Underground.

Why don't they make a beta drivers section on the Nvidia site? That so called leaking happens a bit too often don't you think?
18 5987
avatar Last reply by sT121KER,

61.34 modded for all Laptops

Found this driver lying around. I havn't had a chance to test this yet. (busy as a rat in cake shop) So now is your chance for feedback. As usual driver (uploading via dialup as we speak) and INF is @ www.
2 1494
avatar Last reply by Kamika007z,

New Case.HELP!

I want to buy a new PC Case and don't know what to buy. Maybe u guys can help me heading in the right direction. I want the case to be very goof in terms of performance and QUIET.
2 1712
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,