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Forceware 56.77

If anyone is interested, Came out June 7th. ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/Quadro_. . . . 77_win2kxp. exe Cards Supported: NVIDIA = NVIDIA NVIDIA_NV04.DEV_0020.
4 2439
avatar Last reply by saweetnesstrev,

56.77, 56.87, 61.32, 61.40 for all Laptops.

Sorry about delay, been a busy bee. A whole heap of drivers modded just for Laptops. Grab the driver and INF from here http://www. laptopvideo2go. com Replace orignal INF with modded one, then install using driver update method.
1 1459
avatar Last reply by mobilenvidia,

Prescott survival kit?

Um that had to be they gayest thing ive EVER seen, and yes im biased! Seriosly. . . talking about the heat. . . i mean geez didnt amd have a reputation for being a hot chip too.
2 746
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Catalyst Drivers

Is it me. . . or whenever ATI releases a new driver. . . they never have any performance enhancments. Do all they do is just fix problems with games? I saw that Nvidia made new drivers that suuuups up the performance with the 6800 ultra.
6 3182
avatar Last reply by dredlock,

Watch her boobs get bigger....AGAIN !!!!

Found this over on MSNBC about everyones fav bimbette. . . . . . . http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/5175637/ The last time this happened, didn't she magically GROW about 2-3 cup sizes ?!?!?!?.
7 2868
avatar Last reply by dredlock,

Gainward announce 68OO Ultra Extreme..!

Glow Worm
Gainward announce 68OO Ultra Extreme To qoute from the Ginward Press Release Gainward is proud to announce the Gainward PowerPack! Extreme/2600 “Golden Sampleâ€TM featuring a hand selected “one out of thousand†GeForce 6800 Ultra chip running at 450 MHz plus carefully qualified 1.
3 2017
avatar Last reply by Glow Worm,

Dont Laugh, Site for Mums Husband

He's a realtor normal charge for the exact same site is 795.00US with 24.95 a Mos. charge for upkeep. Moms husband claims 400.00 by phone from them. He wants to pay me 200.
3 1395
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote,

weird upside-down video problems

I'm having an odd problem using WMP9 in WinXP; during certain movie clips (not all) the video-image randomly flips upside-down during playback - the problem can only be rectified by closing WMP and restarting it with the same clip, though at the same point the video will flip upside-down again.
8 4173
avatar Last reply by partridge,

PCMark2004 scores

Dark Biene
PCMark: 3529 Memory: 2466 Graphics: 4239 HDD: 4253 CPU: 3400 nothing overclocked or tweaked for performance rig again: XP2600+ @166MHZ Powercolor Radeon 9800pro 2x160GB Seagate 7200.
4 2634
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Forceware 61.40

See The Front Page or go to www. neowin. net I JUST INSTALLED 61.32 DAMNIT WTF! ok :).
3 1793
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

Forceware 61.32

Drivers are located here: http://www. station-drivers. com/forum/viewtopic. php?t=331.
8 4122
avatar Last reply by felixml,

GA-7NNXP heat problems

Hey guys, After continued bad luck with the DFI Lanparty NFII Ultra B, I moved over to a Gigabyte GA-7NNXP. When in the DFI board, my 3200+ barton would run at ~100 degrees, but now it is usually up at around 140.
6 2887
avatar Last reply by PhrostByte,

Has SP2 broken nVDVD for anyone else?

Hey there guys, I can't seem to find the problem with my nVDVD. It won't start up let alone run. Tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it like 10 times already.
9 3758
avatar Last reply by NiChO(SWE),

phpBB 2.0.8 released

phpBB Group are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 2.0.8.This release had been made to fix a number of critical security related issues. Work continues on 2.
2 26650
avatar Last reply by Degger*,

P4 System Suggestions???

upgraded from, which seems to work OK, but is not official release. attempted to copy files to cd from hard drive at 1X AND then at 4X using new update 5.
14 4377
avatar Last reply by dredlock,

Disaster with A7V266-EX HELP! PLEASE!

Here my story. . . yesterday on my desktop AMD Athlon TB 1.100mhz FSB 200 vcore 1.75 Asus a7v266-ex Ram DDR 512mb 2300 SB Audigy 2 geforce 4200ti i've received a Athlon XP Palomino 1700+ vcore 1.
15 5186
avatar Last reply by dredlock,