
From Leadtek's site. Just got the tip, Not sure if there the awaited drivers or not. Manual Install Only for NON-Leadtek Peeps ! Seems to be WHQL also. , And on another NOTE: Detects as A380 which is a 5950 as we can see.

2nd hand 9500pro
ok. . . there's this 2nd hand 9500 pro thats going rather cheap. . . I ran thru the ATI website and figured out this product was discontinued! as far as specs go, it seems ok, its dx9 compatible etc.

Shareaza v2 Mails Home??
Dark Biene
I need help here, I've gotten some version 5 bios update for my Leadtek Geforce 2 mx MAX, but I had a version 6 when I bought it. I made a judgement error and overwrite my backup of my first bios.

HP DVD Burner question
I just got my hand on an HP dvd burner 200i. When i boot it takes seriously 5 min to get it all the way into windows though, has anyone else have this kind of issue? Or does anyone have any imput.

Windows Media Player 10 download link!
Here's a link! Download : http://www. aasen3d. com/modules. php?name=Do. . . wdownload&cid=5 Image :.

Questions on the 9700 Pro.
Well as you probably all know I've bought my Radeon 9700 PRO. Now just a few questions to get the best out of it. . . ATI Catalyst 3.4: I used to have 3.2.I installed the latest ones and found a couple annoyances.

Xtasy *ATI 9200SE help please!
I really need help installing this driver, because when I re-installed XP, it got erased. And I can't find my CD with drivers. When I download drivers for it, it says please refer to a Standard VGA driver before installing.

Who are your "Ad-Partners"?
Hey guys, as you all know, you are really doing a great job. . . but I guess it is about time to change the Advertising-partners. . . when I go onto your site i get the following: After klicking nein (no) this nagging one comes up.

Windows Messenger 6.0 Beta
If you want to download and try it, do this : Go here : http://www. aasen3d. com/modules. php?name=Do. . . wdownload&cid=5.

Forceware 60.85
I posted another topic under this section about needing help for my bios on leadtek geforce 2 mx MAX and u guys just plain deleted it? WTF ??? is there a problem with asking help? when it covers basicly the same topic? FFS.

NF3 250+FX5950U Benchmark
Woot ! WindowsXP Pro SP2 2126 w. DirectX 9.0c and Forceware 61.12.

Forceware 65.04
Has anyone checked out Nordichardware's Radeon X800 vs. GeForce 6800 article http://www. nordichardware. com/reviews/grap. . . /index. php?ez=6 Graphics drivers: nVidia: Forceware 60.

Popups going for personal information
My firewall is alerting me that the popups on Warp2Search are trying to obtain my Social Secruity Number off of my computer. IP: IP: I find this rather disappointing.

Windows updates fro USB key?
A friend recently told me of a tech who carries all the Windows XP updates on a USB key, and had a simple way to tell Windows Updates to look to the USB key instead of the Windows Update URL when running Windows Update.

Where is the XP-SP2-RC2?
Dark Biene
Windows XP SP2 RC2 set for Wednesday =>Posted by: Newsfactory. =>Monday, May 24 Any infos why it didnĀ“t come out till now?.

news ticker?
No sure if this is something someone has suggested already, but I remember going to a few news site, and they had news tickers, that would give them just the headlines everytime something was updated, you would click on the link to go the news site to read the rest and get the link to the article.