Date: 2025-03-09 15:32 | Last update:



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Hard disk performance

I am wondering if i have two separate hard disk. If i install the operating on the first harddisk and then i install all my games on the second hard disk. When i try to launch a games will it load faster? Unluckily i have only one hard disk, so can't try it out.
8 2669
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Your Keywords..

lol i think this needs improving :)
5 3722
avatar Last reply by saweetnesstrev,

One Account for W2S

Why??? 1 Account for MainPage and 1 Account for Forum Why not 1 Account for all??? :roll:
7 4151
avatar Last reply by Electronic Punk,

Battlefield Vietnam helicopter

Hello guys , please can you tell me an easy way to control helicopter on BFV , I tryed keyboard and mouse , but it was very difficult , do you have any tip to control the helicopter like a joystic ? which joystic do you use? it's better an digital or analogic joystic like sidewinder(Microsoft)?.
8 4781
avatar Last reply by marcosmala,

remoteon banner frm w2s mainpage

remoteus banner add just came up on W2S, checked out their product tour to try get a glimps of the program,I'm always looking out for something to replace Radmin as that hasn't been updated in years unfortunately, but seems to run faster , andmore stable than anything else) and the client window has the official VN ...
2 1139
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Oldie-Games Time-Attack Moviez

Dark Biene
Just found a Torrent Site with various Time-Attacks from nice oldie games maniacmansion supermariobros3 princeofpersia doubledragon metroid megaman. . . . . . .
2 1157
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Linux Anti-Virus

Network Associates Unveils Linux Anti-Virus The company is pitching LinuxShield as a necessary defense for Linux servers in heterogeneous environments. By TechWeb News Network Associates Inc.
1 3465
avatar Last reply by XIII,

tech question about concepts

Hello. i have a ATI radeon9200 whit the latest catalyst drivers 4.4 but. . . i don't know what is : trueform antialiasing anisotropic smoothvision etc. how this work?.
4 2506
avatar Last reply by XIII,

DVD problems

I have a problem with my DVDrom drive. When I put CD's in everything is fine, however, when I put a dvd in my PC goes very, very laggy, doesnt detect in windows explorer, and doesnt detect in WinDVD.
8 2638
avatar Last reply by ThudZ3ro,

Microsoft hacked?

:lol: Poor M$! Screenshot: http://upl. silentwhisper. net/uplfolders/upload5/asdgsh. jpg Google Cache: . . ress/uk/+&hl=en.
10 2399
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

So Many Viruses... I JUST FORMATTED!

Okay I just reformatted my PC and I seem to have a good 4 backdoor viruses, 2 trojans, I got the SASSER WORM! and a stupid thing called f0r0r, which I had enough trouble getting rid of.
8 3477
avatar Last reply by XIII,

120gb WD 7200rpm 8mb cache is slow!!!

I just replaced my 80GB 7200rpm Maxtor with a 120GB WD 7200rpm w/ 8mb cache and for some reason it runs a little slower. . . . i dunno why but my maxtor felt more responsive, now everytime i click on something its like it takes a few secs to think about it then does it,.
23 6768
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Fedora Core 2 Review

Dark Biene
Found this nice 2 Page Review at linuxcompatible. org Fedora Core 2 is the latest release of Red Hat's community supported Linux distribution. This release is available on 4 CDs (+ 4 CDs sources) or 1 DVD, and for x86-compatible (32-bit) and AMD64 (64-bit) platforms.
1 3396
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,


ok i have the oppurtunity to rid myself of the 9200 coz its overheating after about 1 hr of gaming in my well ventelated case; not a driver issue as ive tried all catalysts that support this card and my sys isnt overclocked neways i have the chance to buy a 5900xt clocked at 390/700; ive read in the reviews that th ...
10 3885
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Fedora 2 NTFS RPMs

Dark Biene
Found this info at linux-ntfs. sourceforge. net NTFS RPM Release Notes for Linux 2.4 The driver in these modules is read-only. While I have taken care compiling these modules, I cannot guarantee that they will work for you.
1 3301
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Updating IE Favorites in Mozilla Firefox ?!?!

Anyone know how to update and RE-Import my IE favorites into Firefox 0.8 ??? My current list is about 4-5 months old. . . . and I want to ween myself from IE once and for all !! Already did so with Thunderbird.
4 1900
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Suse Linux 9.1 Professional Desktop Review

Dark Biene
Found this great Review on flexbeta. net Over the past few years, Linux on the desktop has been progressing at a rapid pace. Finally, you can start to see the fruits from all the labor and hours put in by tens of thousands of developers across the Internet come together into a coherent desktop.
1 2935
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,