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Reboot Linux faster

Dark Biene
found this info at com Headline: Reboot Linux faster using kexec Eliminate the bootloader for greater uptime Level: Introductory Hariprasad Nellitheertha (nharipra@in.
1 3808
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Windows XP SP2 Build 2120 Express download

The express install to Windows XP SP2 Build 2120 Has now been announced by Microsoft. There is no need to download the entire service pack but instead only the files needed to update to the current build.
4 3047
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Nvidia GeForce FX 5900ZT ??

What does this mean?? NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0330.1 = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0331.1 = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 NVIDIA_NV35.DEV_0332.1 = NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT NVIDIA_NV35.
8 2032
avatar Last reply by zerodamage,

What do you ppl think?

What is your opinion concerning this website : http://www. aasen3d. com/ ? *sorry for my bad english, I'm Norwegian :).
9 1658
avatar Last reply by zerodamage,

SpeedFan 4.12 beta testing phase - now with nV GPU support

BETA PROGRAM EVENT! I've added support for nVidia video cards. It works fine on my ASUS V7700 DeLuxe, but I need more feedback. If you've got an nVidia video card, you know for sure that it has got hardware monitoring functions and you want to try the latest beta, drop me an email with SPEEDFAN BETA PROGRAM 4.
1 1519
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Somthing about cooling

Im using AMD Athlon 1.2ghz. . . . . . my PC is always at 60 celcius. . . . . . . is that a high temperature. . . . . . . . I guess it is. . . . . . . so what should I do for cooling.
20 9010
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Does this sound like a butt kicking system?

the easier way to fix this problem is when you have more than one user account with administrative powers you just log out of the user with the slow internet tem files and log in as another user then you can delete the users index.
9 2598
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Half Life played in 55 Minutes/48 Sek

Dark Biene
huh. . . . found this Worldrecord at ghome. de (german) In exactly 55 minutes and 48 seconds it demos of archives have to sweep the speed production once by the classical author help Life.
16 4131
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

automount / autorun missing

Strange driver: NVidia = NVIDIA NVidia. Nv5M64 = GM1000 (TNT2 M64) NVidia. Nv11 = GM3000 (GeForce2 MX/MX 400) NVidia. Nv11DDR = GM3000 (GeForce2 MX 100/200) NVidia.
7 3827
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

add or remove

there are some items that i cant remove when using add or remove programs in the control panel any way to get rid of these cheers :beer:
4 2527
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Counter-Strike Help Pls

Hey all. I recently decided to switch from 1.5 to 1.6 but apparently my cdkey is in use, which personally is cheesing me off and ive been ripped off and i've done numerous ways of contacting Steam but no luck.
8 2842
avatar Last reply by glenn,

clean up

Is there anyway that i can remove everything from my hard drive apart from windows xp ?????
3 1835
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Forceware 60.90 Leaked

I've had a few early reports that a new Forceware driver has leaked in the shape of 60.90 for windows 2000/XP and should be hitting the net in the next couple of days? unless I find them before then :roll:.
6 2843
avatar Last reply by zerodamage,

Forceware 61.11 XP International

if you have sent your word document to someone and upon exiting word, always choose no when you are asked if you want to save changes to that document, otherwise the next person receiving that document will be able to see who it was previously sent to, email address etc.
3 2290
avatar Last reply by zerodamage,

Win user Envy?

I have a heard lot of people saying mac is kicking windows ass. For me i don't think so. It is undenyable that mac is good, and it is true that windows interface(GUI) came form Mac too, but stop comparing mac with windows, i mean mac is great in multimedia part but windows can do it too but not as good as mac.
3 864
avatar Last reply by XIII,

annoying articles!

is it possible to sort your articles out because they seem to be all over the show. Maybe have benchmarks, games, etc i was looking for the hard drive bechmarks posted weeks ago and came up with 0 or totally different things.
2 3253
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

New DFI Nforce2 beta bios 4/29

http://forums. pcper. com/showthread. php?t=318814 From Oscar Wu with love. Apparently tries to fix cold boot issue. Careful this one doesnt work for me: http://forums.
1 1602
avatar Last reply by megatron,