
How to get DDR3200 on ASUS A7N8x-VM/400 ???
I've got an ASUS A7N8X-VM/400 with Cosair Dual 512x2 DDR3200 CL2, and a Leadtek A280 GF4 TI4200 AGPx8.. . oh, and a AMD Barton 3200+ (FSB400). The CPU is running 3200+ and FSB400, but the Ram is only running 333 MHz.

Confused Over Mice??? Help Pls
Ok i've recently ordered a new mouse of the net and I was definite on getting a Microsoft one. Within my price range I came across two: 1)Intellimouse Explorer - PS2 USB Optical Mouse - £27.

Motherboard comparison
I was wondering which one of these is better. . . . ASUS p4P800 or the MSI Neo2 board. I mean ASUS has 865 chipset. . . and well MSI uses 865pe. . . whats the differences?.

whats up with the forceware 70.90 story ??
whats up with the forceware 70.90 story ,where are the drivers ???? :finger:.

Leadtek A310 voltmod?
Hi. I would like to get the MOST of my 5600 Ultra card (Leadtek A310-Ultra). Stock it's 350/700.Right now i have it OC to 370/900, that's the most i can get out of her (gpu oc is little ).

ATI Bios Flash
I remember back in the day of the 9700pro and the 9500pro days that there was alot of flashing of bios'. I have a 9600xt. . . anyone hear of any bios' for that card or any of them right now.

Internet Download Accelerators
I have a big dilemma. Which of those 2 Download accelerators are better? Internet Download Accelerator v3.0 OR Internet Download Manager v4.0 It looks like they are clone.

i dont no y this is happening im only getting 6500 in 3dmark 2001 is this card meant to br this slow? i 'upgraded' from a gf4 mx coz the visuals stink on that (i had a 5900 in between but sold it coz ive been lured by the 12000 score of the 6800) this is a temporary solution till the next gen cards will b on the ma ...

Question about the Gamma Hotfix for Catalyst 4.2, 4.3, &
How would you know that you need this hotfix? What would be the signs?

A quick look at the SUSE 9.1 beta and RC2
Dark Biene
Just found this Preview at Linux. com I was eager to get my hands on the newest version of SUSE Linux, the first version produced by the company under the Novell corporate umbrella.

Newly converted ATI user
I just bought a 9600xt to replace my G-ForceFX 5600 256mb and i used to score 20,000 in Aquamark3.. heh. . now i score 32,000 with the 9600xt. Also I score around 4,500 in 3dmark '03 with my xt; vice 2,800 with the old G-Force.

Good driver removal tool
I know nvidia has detonator destroyer. . . . does ati have such a prog? Cause i have junk from DNA to Omega to regular catalyst. Also if anyone has and imput. .

ASUS V.card and ATI's Driver
Hello, i have the ASUS 9200SE video card and i'm use the catalyst driver 4.4 by ATI. In the driver page of asus there's a driver, but. . . what driver is best?.

Beginners Guides: Cloning WindowsXP
Dark Biene
The site u have linked to says it has version 1.75, but only 1.50 is available for download. Does anyone know how to get hold of 1.75?.

NF7 sound....
Thanks for the newspost, but please stop use the damn smileys! It doesn't look that serious. . .

Tv out problems
Hi, I've got a GeForce MX 4000 and I'm having problems connecting it to my tv. I can only get a black and white pic if I plug in the s-video to composite adapter and then use a composite cable from my tv to this.

Need Help With Converting Audio Formats
I just decided to do the move from RealPlayer to WindowsMediaPlayer (snif snif lol). Anyway I know have a bunch of music I can't add to my library because there in the.

Introduction to Linux Audio
Dark Biene
Found this article on osnews. com I wanted to write something about the great progress being carried on linux as OS of choice for a professional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) since a long time.