
Dark Biene
Found this interesting article over linuxcompatible. org here LINUX FOR OLD PCs As Linux distributions strive to be more user friendly and to compete head-on with MS-Windows, the hardware requirements keep rising.

Nvidia nForce Drivers 4.31
WOOT ! ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/4.31/ ONLY AUDIO WHY ? Umm, Weird Thing is this isnt OVER yet,, They didnt INC anyhting but the AUFIO. ?.

30 screensavers adware and spyware galore
Your email contact does not work, The 30 screensavers in the news today. I downloaded 2 and got 145 objects of adware and spyware. They installed 5 programs without asking or saying a word.

Digital Camera, which one is better
although im not ati owner. . i must say ati has got on the ball with updating drivers. . nvidia has em shook =).

norton and overnet [update]
Since Norton autoupdated when I booted up this morning, I can't run Overnet (v0.52) because Norton seems to be detecting a virus in the. exe. It still detects the virus even with a fresh installation of Overnet (i.

Oldschool Quake for XP question !!
Any tips/tricks on how to install the old 1.06 DOS version of Quake into XP ?! My old trick for 98 was to just dump out of windows, but when I try running setup.

ForceWare Drivers 60.30 but only a Cebit 04 Screenshot. :-)
Hallo, i have seen that the ForceWare drivers over the magic number 60.:-) Its the 60.30 ForceWare look here: http://www. oc3d. de/artikel/2004/cebit2004/cebit2004-1.

F-Secure Readies Security Software For Linux
Dark Biene
That was included in the last release dated Janurary 2002.. . . Maybe this release is really because a updated Keygenerator was distrubed and worked on 3.0G and 4.

Crash to Desktop - Discuss
Have you seen the FSB frequencies of the 2 PC's ? It's all bullshit !!!

Windows Media Player XP 9.0 build 3133 full - W2S exclusive
NEWER BUILD AVAILABLE !!! http://www. warp2search. net/forums/viewtopic. php?t=3193 Hi, again I ripped the actual WMP 9.0 from latest XP SP2 RC. This time its build 3133 AND its a FULL 3133 release! In RC1 nearly any file has been updated Because of my webspace I have to split the pakage.

Athlon64 Screensaver !
I am very sad that 3dfx made bankcrupt! Was my favourite card and i think they could make some fire in ATIs and Nvidias asses

Nforce 2 sound x Audigy 2 ZS
Hello my friends , I have a ASUS a7n8x DELUXE with onboard sound card(Nforce2) , I want to buy a Audigy 2 ZS to play Battlefield vietnam , but is it really necessary ro buy a soundblaster Audigy 2 zs or my 5.

SiL3x12 RAID Driver
Smb can tell me pass on MS updates on ftp://hotfix. microsoft. com/winnt/windows_XP/sp1/ ?.

Deus Ex 2 does not work!
Dark Biene
My prob is : after installing DeusEx2 it works great without any failure but after rebooting my PC and starting DX2 the screen goes into black and then returns to desktop i installed the latest patch and it doesn´t solve the prob in the Graphic proberties of my Geforce AA and AF are set to auto and i use 56.

Sapphaire 9800XT temp question
I am curious what should my Sapphire 9800XT temperture average should be at? Right now its at 71 C with out the Overdrive enable. i am using the current Catalyst Drivers version 4.

New-nForce 64Bit Driver 4.34a
Wow, Ok just saw this in Nvidias FTP, WOOT ! ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/64/4.34a/ This nForce WinXP 64-bit driver package contains the below components: Audio driver version 4.

SuSE Linux 9.1 launched
Dark Biene
Found this info at the german computerbase. de Google Translation: The German Linux Distributor SuSE announced 2004 on the CeBIT a version jump for to be Linux Desktop package SuSE Linux.

Problem playing video on external 21" LCD
I have a Toshiba 5105-S901 laptop with a Nvidia GeForce4 440 Go video card. I am having problems playing windows media,winamp etc on the Samsung 213T 21 LCD display.

Does anybody have asus v9980?
If anybody has it, could please send me bios if it? rap3r@email. si edit Mertsch: mail is now clickable. . . (do not use any string. just post plain email).