
hiho, I am searching for a formula. . . but can't find it. . . . followin: I have a database with for example 5xX and 4xY values. . . . so a 5x4 table not the first line is a Date e.

Sound Blaster Pin Layout
I have a sound blaster audigy I want to hook up to the mic and headphones on my front panel. But, not sure what pins on the card to hook them up to. Want to go to the same place the Creative front panel hooks up.

ATI VS Nvidia
I have tested the Ati Radeon 7500 (64mb) on a P4 1.6 GHz and the result was 59xx (3D Mark 2000) and Ati mobility radeon 7500 (32mb) On a P4 2.8 notebook and the the result was 61xx.

HL2-leak -> FBI -> raid
Hah, Looks like the FBI has started to raid hackers Check out the website: http://uninteresting. myby. co. uk/siezed. html.

News Suggestion
Before I used this my display settings would let me choose from 60 to 85 Hz for my monitor. Now it only shows 85Hz :(.

sk8v fx51 boot up
hi, im trying to get a new operating system on my hard drive but i cant boot from the xp cd, ive tried all the bios settings but to no avail. Can anyone give us a hand??? :knife:.

Longhorn plantronics driver?
Im after a plantronics dsp 300 (although the drivers are mostly generic) driver for windows longhorn beta. I would take it off the old xp drivers but apparently the.

creating a floppy boot disc for XP?
well than how come i cant find the previous version anywhere now,??Ill dl an older version if i can find one,anyone no where to get one?

itxt.vibrantmedia.com server
The Adserver - http://itxt. vibrantmedia. com/ is Xtreme slow !!!!! for now its on my block list !!! the page load stops when clicking on a news due the page wait for this ad server pls fix that ;).

Beta Testing = The Best, the True Last Frontier!
Yup Gents, The King of Gaming without a doubt is the free play we get on all those wonderful FULL VERSION games for F-R-E-E such as the Beta Test I had done for Eve, wow is that a great game and of course I could go on and on and name so many that I have done, in fact I was in on the game Battletech before it was a ...

amd64 kills intel ???
IDC says AMD64 threatens Intel's Itanic :finger: Revises down chip figures MARKET RESEARCH firm IDC said sales of servers using the Intel Itanium were likely to be less this year because of competition from AMD's 64-bit X86 chips.

MSI's brackets.
Well XP didn't seem to like the 6025 driver with my AIW Radeon. I had to go back to the 6018 version. I get mem dumps from ati2dvag. dll. I will mess with it some more later.

Gigabyte 81875?
Those boards good compared to the rest? If not, what would be the best choice for an Intel board?

3 Com U.S. Robotics 56K External FaxModem Driver for WIN2K ?
It won't connect in this beta for some reason, suppose it could be because I'm on a LAN though?

Many compressed downloads have CRC errors
hey great new got lots of content everything I need to know on the front page website. . . been lookin for a new homepage. . . . it`s yours now. . . . Thanks all.

Problems in driver installing!
the other photo I've seen shows tiny BGA ram chips on it. I would have thought Nvidia would use it for all their models. .

SB Audigy 2ZS Platinun
hi guys I brought , the SB Audigy 2ZS Platinum and went I go to download ,the last 4.0 Advanced HD On SB web, it say the I don´t have any SB Product in my system, and I don´t see any options were I can turn it on ,on my sb drivers aplications,any1 can help me please Thanks.

LINK http://www. microsoft. com/windowsserver2003.. . al/default. mspx.

Mouse Pointer Freezing but mouse still works!!!!
Hi guys, I'm having a bit of a problem with my mouse. I've been having it for about a month or more now and can't for the life of me work out whats causing it.