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I need Driver for laptop keybord

I got a new laptop the Sony vaio fr315b and i am looking for the driver thet controls the display on the nmonitor of the lap top to contron brightnes and contrast and to control the volume from the key bord.
10 2244
avatar Last reply by maddog1066,


Can ANY 2 indentical drives be put in a RAID array or do they have to support it somehow?
4 1503
avatar Last reply by NIKEMARINE,

USB ports

I have an Asus P4P800, windows xp pro (installed). The USB ports aren't working without restart. What's the problem do you guy think will it be? :roll:.
14 3966
avatar Last reply by NIN9,

First Date.....what to do ?

Hey Guys, I know, this is not computer releated and i don t know if it fit s into this forums, if not, please close or delete this topic. I post here because i searched the web for a suitable forum but i had no luck and because i am a daily reader of warp and this community and i saw posts with similar topics and a ...
7 1660
avatar Last reply by NIN9,

SB Audigy Game VS ZS

Hmmm. . . . Looks like the same old shit every tek page has. Wish someone could post news that was' nt pulled off of Warp2serch,Iexbeta & neowin. net. Show me something I havent seen.
4 2238
avatar Last reply by MATA7,

Ati Mobillity drivers

Hi all. . . just bought a laptop, my first ever. . . wot i wanna know is were i can get the latest drivers for the grafix card. Its an Advent 7027 P4 3.06 laptop with an Ati mobility radeon 9000 (64mb) grafix chip.
5 3102
avatar Last reply by XIII,

Windows Update Error :(

All the drivers there u mentioned, apart from Nvidia Media Driver Version 1.0.8 , don't support cards other then NV17M and NV17! - Don't bother downloading ano of them!.
5 1849
avatar Last reply by Cellar_Dweller,

time to go faster!!!!

i have a msi 845 AR motherboard. it claims it fully supports o/cing. however does this motherboard lock the agp and pci frequencies? i used the bundled software overclocker to get to 2330MHZ from my 2GHZ intel p4.
10 2761
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Question on Linux.

Right, I see a lot of people talking about Linux being better than windows and windows being crap because its Microsoft and et cetera (stupid flamewar if you ask me, 90% of computer industry can't be wrong in choosing windows ).
12 4487
avatar Last reply by ashayh,

Farcry beta

Dammit! I received the confirmation email a few days ago but lookout express deleted it before I read the instructions to d/l. Anyone know of a way to get it resent?.
2 1311
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Not working AutoLogon w/o Password

Do you know the problem. . . installed DX9 or some other stuff and whoot no more Autologon ? the problem. . . tools to change autologon require passwords to enter, but huh I am a single PC user WTF should I use a password so heres a little reg tweak to get AutoLogon working fine and without time limitation again Wi ...
2 1509
avatar Last reply by kyro,

Hay Guys!

Merry christmas assholes! I got a digital camera Discuss. .
10 2181
avatar Last reply by NIKEMARINE,

huh? is W2S going to change name ?

I just browser through all main-page-account-options and just clicked on http://www. warp2search. net/modules. php?nam. . . unt&op=chgtheme and huh there are 2 of them.
13 1817
avatar Last reply by NIKEMARINE,

Problem after compiling the kernel in RH9

Hi, I've just re-installed RH9 and noticed it doesn't support NFTS read-only out of the box so i re-comiled the standard 2.4.20 kernel with NTFS support, copied it over to the boot partition, added an entry into the grub menu list and rebooted only to be informed that it's unable to open an initial console and gave ...
3 2536
avatar Last reply by espadav8,

reading athlon model numbers

I'm looking for an article that was here a long time ago, it showed the ins and outs of reading the athlon xp model numbers. anyone know where it is?.
4 2742
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Latest A2 drivers?

What are the latest A2 drivers for XP? Tried to use my onboard soundstorm but it distorted in games so A2 is for me :hmm:
12 3958
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,