
Did Nvidia Finally Get It Right???
Well I downloaded and installed the latest drivers for the Nforce boards. . . I own and Asus A7N8X Deluxe v2 board and none of the drivers have worked in the past except those released by Asus which were like 1.

sound card
i have a question about audigy 2 how good is it compare with sblive? is the 24bit really make any different when listenning music. i am thinking of upgrading my sblive.

Nvidia v52.16 Major Problem
Ok just downloaded the new Nvidia v52.16 drivers from nvidia. com. Installed it, disabled my norton anti-virus, restarted comp and then tried to go into my GeForce Ti4200 Tab but got a error saying, Catostrophic Error.

Card buying advice
Hi, thought I'd make my first post a question! I'm looking to upgrade my current graphics card (GeForce 3 Ti200) to something a bit more up to date. I've got about £150 (just over $200) to spend and have been reading a lot of reviews vut can't make my mind up.

Help with a P4 800
No single player fixes? Bummer. I'm not going to buy it then if they aren't going to fix the single player bugs. I'll get Return to Castle Wolfenstein instead.

divx and dvd playback problems
i have had the divx player for over a year with no problems. yesterday i try to watch a divx film with mp3 sound. i get this annoying error messgae saying i dont have the mp3 decoder; BUT i have downloaded the fraunhaufer mpeg layer 3 decoder, plus windows media player can play mp3s.

Winfast TV 2000 problem
I have a soundblaster live card. Could this issue be what´s causing these error messages: Irq not less or equal, Machinechk. exe and Pagefault in nonpaged area ?.

Javasript req?
i just wondered, does anyone know of a javascript that can handle replacing or not loading a item, for instance a picture or a swf, if the source of the server isnt responding, to reduce load/timouts? Theres this queer server that doesnt respond at times, and that creates some timeout issues on the page im doing.

W2S is lagging ?
From the Opera Beta NewsGroup: This is a build of Opera 6.01 for Win32 made on 2002-01-25 This build is experimental and may cause problems. Use it only on properly backed up computers.

Eiffel Software Announces EiffelStudioâ„¢ and Eiffel ENViSioN!
my 2cents for you don't know what NDA means. .

VB/C++ Programmer job
is here anyone who can code in VB or C++ ? Im about to write a small program with GUI. . . I will give you a $donation$ for you work ! pls contact me at MSN or email *dont ask what/where/how much here.

Need to format a drive
Its a monster! Too much in the one package for my liking! Anyone use this as an alternative to a combination of smaller utes? How have u found it? Is it as good as using a combination of smaller more narrowly focussed apps? ciao, jedl

When is a Barton not a Barton?
When is a Barton not a Barton? I have just bought an XP2800+ CPU and after having benchmarked my system for the last few days trying several different fsb settings, i was wondering why there was little or no improvement in my scores etc over my last Thoroughbred B 2100+ clocked at 200x11.

Detonator 52.16's and DualView
I installed these and found that my dualview would no longer activate. The screens would turn black as if they were changing settings, but the computer would seem to lock up.

FX 5900 Clock Speeds
What the highest clock speeds you've got out your GeForceFX 5900? My system is running at 485 core & 927 Memory

Norton Antivirus 2004 Pro Boot Slowdown!!!
v3.2 t16 is 3.2.1 confusing but the T is for Test (beta).