How do they a know a card that isn't even available yet is faster than nVidia's card which isn't available yet either? Morons. . . .
DirectX 9.0b Build 4.09.x.0902 FASTER Download
Thanks for the great news, Newsfactory, but please only one !, not !!!!!!!!. .
changing to intel
Man these are easy problems to solve. . Sue Microsoft for damages. . install Linux on your brand new computer you get to buy cause MS messed yours up. I heard a few people actully did this and one like $1500 in damages.
Shooting in N.Y. City Hall
Other than this site is very jerky to scroll, what sort of PHP problems are you having?
Detonator Driver 45.00 for WinXP/2k
here it is. . http://www. station-drivers. com/page/nvidia%20drv. htm.
Ouuuchh... Headache
Better watch out. . . roxio will sue you for using that name. . like they are sueing Easy CD-DA Extractor ROXIO IS LAME.
nForce2 Drivers Ver. 3.44
Sorry I have to say it , with Windows XP and Radeon 7200 VIVO + drivers 6006 , the refresh rates I change up to 180 Hz 640*480 up to 1940*xxxx 85hz (19 Iyama) are all saved on 85 hz , I've tried several things but it doesn't do his job , shame.
How to stop A7N8X from checking memory
Hi guys. I have just replaced my Asus A7V333 with A7N8X Deluxe. What bothers me is that eventhough I have set Quick Power On Self Test to enabled but the board continues to check memory on boot up.
Remote Access Connection (Auto) Manager Service won’t start
I need to enable the Remote Access Connection Manager Service and Remote Access Connection Auto Manager Service for the internet connection wizard in WinXP Pro to let me set up a dial-up connection.
Save file as dialog for
What's up with that? It's not even a banner the save as dialog just pops up with that address
SBLive drivers makes mixer give errors!
Hey guys I just tried out those new SBLive drivers and they caused My AudioHQ and Creative Mixer to yield errors and cease functioning. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?.
9800PRO modding and speeds
Here is what it looks like: ZM80-A on GPU w/ 2x80mm fans blowing below and above the card. TweakMaster BGA RAMSinks - Set of 8 4 on each side I have managed to get stability at: 450/400 - Max I have tested.
My FAV Song from a movie
Hey guys I have a good song for you all, It's From my FAV Movie of all TIME, Conan the Barbarian , lol http://members. cox. net/garikfox/conan. mp3.
Poor Asus Support - Questions Regarding A7S333
This logo is fake, it even says so right in the caption. .
5900 ultra and clock speeds
I bought a 5900 ultra, Very nice card. but 3dmark only shows 300, 850 on clock speeds. It is suspossed to be 450.Is there any program I can use to truly check the clock speeds on this video card.
Site problem?
each time I enter the main site, I get Not Found The requested URL /article. php was not found on this server. Apache/1.3.26 Server at warp2search. net Port 80 Refreshing fixes it and then it is normal.
BIOS Update NF7(-S) 2.0 -> 1.7
Get the file here: http://fae. abit. com. tw/eng/download/bios/nf7-s2.htm Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as Support via BIOS.