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Restricted from Internet Options

When I try to open the Internet Options from Internet Explorer, I get the message: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.
5 1811
avatar Last reply by albert119 on

The Tooltips On Toolbars Impossible to remove

The tooltips which pop up over the taskbar, tray, and on the quick launch toolbar seem impossible to remove with any registry setting. Does anyone know a way? This is not refering to explorer tooltips or those on the desktop which are removed through either tweakui, folder options, or registry changing.
2 1133
avatar Last reply by Sparkesy on

Nvidia Detonator 44.65 Windows 2000 / XP BETA

This morning we have uncovered a new, previously unreleased Nvidia Detonator driver version 44.65.This is the latest known build from the 44.xx series. This driver is a generic release and works for RIVA TNT, GeForce, Geforce 2, GeForce 3 + 4, the 'Ti' range of cards, GeForce FX and some Quadro cards.
4 1511
avatar Last reply by Degger* on

Help with weird bios options!

I just switched my mainboard (k7s5a) over to a Jetway 266B, I noticed in the bios there's two options I've never seen before. Cooling Sprite and HDD Boot Sprite both are Enable/Disable type settings.
6 2200
avatar Last reply by Chicken on

Placing customized Buttons In Internet Explorer

Hi guys, maybe somebody can help me out. I want to place some hotlinks in my Internet Explorer Navibar (where refresh, bookmarks, media e. g is placed) Would be more comfortable for me than using the favourites (open folder, search site, click on it.
5 1516
avatar Last reply by El_Coyote on

omega corners's drivers cat 3.4

good night everybody I talk from the BRAZIL and I'm very happy with the performance of the new drive to omega corner's can we comment something? thanks for answer :lol:
12 3252
avatar Last reply by marcosmala on

Patched .INF file for 44.61 Detonator

W2S, There is truly no sarcasm in this comment. Your site is one of the most pop up add plagued addresses on the net. However, I commend you for posting news, unbiased, as the content and software offered, has a potential to affect what a visitor sees at your site, thus having the potential to affect the numbers gi ...
10 3223
avatar Last reply by SnakeSH on


Here ya go I might as well post it here too since OCBench just put this BIOS out. Enjoy ! http://members. cox. net/garikfox/
12 2643
avatar Last reply by airhead094 on

R9500 Pro

I want to buy an ATi Radeon 9500 Pro, and I saw an OEM version that I may buy. Is the OEM vs Retail is a big difference ? I know that some people say that the card is underclocked and all that stuff, but I don't really care if there's 4-5 less fps in a game.
8 2150
avatar Last reply by KillerKebab on

Want A 1337 Desktop?

Found this nifty proggie that lets you do some pretty cool things to your desktop Loads of scripts are available on the site as well. www. samurize. com Here's an example of what the program is capable of.
7 2462
avatar Last reply by NIN9 on

Northbridge Fans on Mobo

I have a gigabyte G7-VAX Ultra board it is has one of those nice little chipset fans and heatsink on it. Well the little beast vibrates very hard and makes a very annoying buzzing sound.
5 2496
avatar Last reply by NIN9 on

Asus A7S333 the real DEAL

until now i was working with a nice AMD k6-2 500 mhz with redfox board ok it had some compatibility problems with Creative RIvatnt2 but it was fixed if i used the Detenator XP drivers few days ago i desided to buy a new motherboard and CPU so i bought Asus A7s333 and AthlonXP 1800+ 0.
9 1874
avatar Last reply by Denniss on