
Im looking to replay the stock heatsink and fan that is on the chipset of my a8n-sli se motherboard because its to loud id prefer to have it passively cooled. could you recommend a cooler that will keep it cool?.

BF2: Armored Fury Q&A
Even several years after Battlefield 1942 came out, there's still nothing else that's quite like what DICE has been putting out. The huge zones, the large armies, the multitude of vehicles while not as ambitious as PlanetSide (which also requires a monthly fee), BF2 and its DICE siblings offer something unique.

F.E.A.R. Extraction Point preview
There may be shades of Championship Manager about the split between Monolith and Vivendi over F. E. A. R. , but the lack of rancour means Vivendi's having no trouble colouring in the F.

Battlefield 2 Team Working To Fix Issues
Community Update - 6/2/06 Attention Soldiers and Server Admins! The teams here at DICE and at EA want to take a moment to acknowledge that we are aware of the issues that some are experiencing with the latest release.

Ur Hamachi Network!
Dark Biene
I must admit, thats a nice looking progy you got there. The design is very simple yet attractive. I would have liked to have had this tool before the problem became simple to correct manually.

athlon 64 4000+ temps to hot!!!
im running an athlon 64 4000+ with a Akasa AK-920 EVO 120 Direct Heatpipe Copper cooler but my idle temp is 50-55c i have 6 case fans 3 intake and 3 exhaust fans could anyone recommend a better cooler for this cpu to keep the temps lower but one that is quiet aswell.

Battlefield 2142: new official trailer
Next the opus of the series of Battlefield is revealed once again in video. It acts of a trailer card diffused at the time ofE3 which presents especially the vehicles, some weapons and the total environment of play.

XTreme-G WarCat64 6.5 (x64)
XG WarCat64 6.5, 64bit driver for ATI video cards. This version of the driver does not include any of the following : WDM, Control Panel, Control Center. This version includes the driver the ATITool.

Half-Life 2: Episode One Released
Half-Life® 2: Episode One is now available via Steam at retail outlets around the world. The first in a new, three-part series that leads far beyond City 17, Episode One does not require Half-Life 2 to play and is available for just $19.

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Release
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent applications installed by default, and almost any other software you can imagine available through the network.

KDE 3.5.3 Release
KDE is a network transparent contemporary desktop environment for UNIX workstations. KDE seeks to fill the need for an easy to use desktop for Unix workstations, similar to the desktop environments found under the MacOS or Microsoft Windows.

Nintendo Wii to Launch on November 6th in USA
According to an industry source speaking to Cubed³, the Nintendo Wii is set to launch in the Thanksgiving period in the USA (Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd this year), with Japanese and European launches set to be in the same timeframe.

LSB Goal: Save Linux From the Fate of Unix
Before there was Linux, before there was open source, there was (and still is) an operating system called Unix that was robust, stable and widely admired. It was also available under license to anyone that wanted to use it, because it had been developed not by a computer company, but by personnel at AT&T's Bell Lab ...

Enterprise-level Ubuntu Linux due this week
Hmm. . . ,but as far as I know Yahoo DOES have free POP3 email service,I used one myself. .

Catalyst Beta Driver for Windows Vista Beta 2
ATI is one of the first graphic providers to make a 64-bit driver that supports the Longhorn Display Driver Model (LDDM) – the Microsoft Vista revolutionary graphic driver standard – as well as the first to provide LDDM drivers for integrated graphics processors.

NVIDIA beta drivers for Windows Vista Beta 2
Windows Vista x86 Beta 2 ForceWare Release 85 Version: 88.61 Release Date: May 23, 2006 BETA Driver Download GeForce/Quadro driver Windows Vista x86 Windows Vista x64 Beta 2 ForceWare Release 85 Version: 88.

XG WarCat 6.5
After a long break, we decided to get back in business. WarCat 6.5 is here and is ready to do the job. Based on a fusion between Catalyst 6.5 and the Oblivion Chuck Patch, this version should bring what is the best out of the 2.

WoW, Giving Warnings ! On talking about Illegals !
Yep Got one for saying I think they should be Deported ! WHICH I still think that way. Hmmm , WTF ! USA doesnt know the word ILLEGAL then yet again they LOVE them it seems, Im Disgusted ! I live in Mesa,Az 95 Miles from the Mexico Border, My city is the 3rd biggest city in Arizona !, 70%here are illegal ! The City ...