Date: 2025-03-10 07:50 | Last update:



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WARNING: About AC'97 driver 3.87

It I think is including a new 3D Sound Engine, And Not sure if its buggy or what, But im back too 3.86, Because a 22 sec. Boot time is Unexceptable. ! Usually is 3-8 sec.
6 5016
avatar Last reply by garikfox,

7Zip 4.40 beta out

Dark Biene
The main features of 7-Zip: * High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression * 7-Zip is free software distributed under the GNU LGPL * Supported formats: o Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR o Unpacking only: RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, CHM, Z, CPIO, RPM and DEB * For ZIP and GZIP formats 7-Zi ...
1 3154
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

Pacific Storm Demo

On December 7, 1941, a major part of the U. S. Pacific navy stationed at Pearl Harbor was assaulted by Japanese planes. Japanese fighters were destroying American aircraft on land and in the air, without giving them a chance for a counterattack.
1 1758
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Titan Quest Interview

Before ten years ago, the action-RPG genre consisted mostly of Zelda and a smattering of other, lesser known titles. Not to say that some weren't rather well-liked; it's just that the genre was typically overlooked in favor of pure RPGs such as Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Lufia, et cetera.
1 1467
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Battlefield2: Armored Fury

Later today we will announce the Battlefield 2: Armored Furyâ„¢ booster pack for Battlefield 2â„¢ which brings all-out mechanized battles to US soil for the first time.
1 1623
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

XTreme-G 84.56.v2 Rev1

Well, GOZ has been working on this driver and says it's ready. It's based on nVidia's Forceware 84.56.NOTE: We discovered a discrepancy in our settings that may have been causing lower that optimal performance, so we updated the package.
1 1950
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

XTreme-G 84.56.v2

Well, GOZ has been working on this driver and says it's ready. It's based on nVidia's Forceware 84.56.Enjoy! TweaksRUs.
1 1821
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

NGO ATI Optimized Driver v1.6.4

The NGO ATI Optimized Driver is a tweaked version of the ATI Catalyst driver. The main purpose is to satisfy the users with better performance and image quality.
1 4541
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

nVidia Forceware 84.56 WHQL

Wow, ATI actually watches Rage3D! They're gonna be tickled pink to hear that one. ;) The folks over at Rage3D are some of the very best around for help with any ATI problems, and they're a very kind hearted group of folks over there.
1 1743
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

War Rock Announced

War Rock is a Free2Playâ„¢ massively multiplayer online, modern tactical first person shooter (FPS) where players have the option to purchase a wide variety of gameplay enhancing items, services, and products.
1 1495
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Battlefield 2 Patch 1.3 coming soon

Attention Soldiers! Although the 1.3 patch is still being worked on we wanted to provide a peek at what you can expect with the coming release: NEW FEATURES Co-op: Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with both AI controlled bots and human players.
1 1486
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Five-Minutes to a More Secure SSH

Here is a quick way to drastically improve the security of your OpenSSH server installations. Apart from past flaws in the OpenSSH daemon itself that have allowed remote compromise (very rare), most break-ins result from successful brute-force attacks.
1 3590
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

SUSE Linux 10.1 RC2 Release

I'm glad to announce SUSE Linux 10.1 Codename Agama Lizard RC2.We have fixed the majority of bugs from RC1 and will release an RC3 next week. During the RC phase, we only provide delta ISOs of the media and update the factory tree as well.
1 3409
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Installing SP2 On SP1 Stalls, Why?

When trying to install SP2 on SP1 XP Pro, when it comes to the part where it says, 'Finishing installation', then at the bottom its 'Details: Running processes after install'.
5 6173
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,