
Good social engineering can threaten users more than a serious software flaw, Microsoft's Anti-Malware Engineering Team argued in a blog post on Tuesday. A relatively unknown worm has spread moderately successfully without exploiting any flaws in the Windows operating system, according to data collected by Microsof ...

How I Work: Bill Gates
It's pretty incredible to look back 30 years to when Microsoft (Research) was starting and realize how work has been transformed. We're finally getting close to what I call the digital workstyle.

UbiSoft To Publish Call Of Juarez
UbiSoft sent out a press release announcing their plans to publish Call of Juarez in the US. The upcoming first person shooter Western themed title from developer Techland is due to be released to stores in summer 2006.

Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg demo
Now available for download, the DEMO for the new grand strategy masterpiece from award winning game designer Hubert Cater! Combining the ease of play, accessibility and addicting gameplay of the original Strategic Command, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg adds tons of new features including many player submitted sugg ...

Germany's FBI Bust Phishing Gang
German federal police on Tuesday arrested seven members of a suspected phishing gang on fraud charges after a three-month investigation. According to the Web site of Germany's Federal Crime Office, known as the Bundeskriminalamt, or BKA, police nabbed seven men, ages 21 through 47, who were allegedly plotting to sp ...

Linux Kernel 2.6.17 RC1 beta
Linux Kernel is the essential part of Linux, responsible for resource allocation, low-level hardware interfaces, security, simple communications, and basic file system management.

Video Games Encourage Terrorism?
Five teenage girls allegedly playing a game they learned about on the Internet could face criminal charges after leaving 17 suspicious packages throughout Ravenna.

Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species Trial Version
The free Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species trial version lets you build exciting new elevated paths, sky trams, and Jeep® vehicle tours. It features some of the new endangered animals, such as the crested gibbon, Baird´s tapir, and Javan rhino.

FireFox 2.0 is out!
http://www. e-commerce-blog. de/blog1/2006/04/02/fire-fox-20/ I know april the 1st is over but this is just too cute.

Seven arrested in online fraud crackdown
The investigation, dubbed Operation Rolling Stone, has resulted in 21 arrests in the last three months and involves local, state and international law enforcement.

Tomb Raider: Legend demo
The Tomb Raider: Legend demo is now available, allowing you to try out the upcoming action/adventure sequel being crofted at Crystal Dynamics. This demo contains one expansive mission set in Bolivia where your objective is to find an ancient artifact.

Catalyst 6.4 beta for Windows XP/2K
It is yesterday evening (GMT+1) which ATI placed at the disposal the new version beta of its Catalyst drivers. Available for Windows 2000 and XP, it support from now on R581 in 80nm.

XTreme-G 84.22.v2
Well, the other day one of my forum members tipped me off to these drivers which were found by StationDrivers, but were only for laptops. After being modded for desptop GPU's, these turned out to be quite a gem! And the INF I made up seems popular, too! So today I give you XTreme-G 84.

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends Trial Version
The Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends demo will give you a taste of the single player Conquer the World campaign with two single player scenarios in the Alin campaign.

MidiTower or BigTower???
who cares about thier new uhh chips??. . . . the geforce 5 what dumass triks nvidilames are. . . come up with some new name idiots.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
If you remember our preview coverage on Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, you´ll remember me saying that it was by far my most anticipated game on the horizon. Those familiar with the Elder Scrolls series will be happy to tell you how expansive the worlds are, championed by Bethesda Softworks´ mantra, “Live another life ...

Need for Speed Most Wanted - Black Edition (PC CD-ROM)
Evolving over the years and following the most popular on and off-road racing trends of the day, Need for Speed has been one of Electronic Arts' most successful franchises.

Forceware 84.22
nVidia still not proposing Forceware for the Mobile PC (Notebook), here today a fascinating pack charges of it a very small part of the recent chipsets Geforce Go.

RSS Feed improvement request
(til tears roll in my ears!) THAT is funny! Thanks for the Friday smile. :).

Two years in prison for downloading latest film
GERMANS risk two years in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under a new law agreed yesterday. Anybody who downloads films for commercial use could be jailed for up to five years.