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The Regiment - PC

So far 2006 has been quite dreary for the PC gaming community with only a few meager titles available for the avid gamer. This is especially true for the tactical FPS genre which so far has only gotten two new games under its belt: Rainbow Six Lockdown and The Regiment.
1 892
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

ATI v8.23.7 Display Drivers Review

Yet again ATI continues in their monthly ritual of releasing new Linux display drivers that are accompanied by the release of their usual Windows CATALYST suspect.
1 3491
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

God Of War Review

Unleash the power of the Gods and embark on a merciless quest as Kratos, an ex-Spartan warrior driven to destroy Ares, the God of War. Armed with lethal double chainblades, Kratos must carve through mythology´s darkest creatures including Medusa, Cyclops, the Hydra and more, while solving intricate puzzles in breat ...
1 795
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

The World’s Most Exotic Animals Join the “Zoo Tycoon 2”

The World´s Most Exotic Animals Join the “Zoo Tycoon 2†Family in 2006 Africa aficionados, Jurassic fanatics and aquatic admirers alike have cause for celebration as Microsoft Game Studios today confirmed the upcoming releases of “Zoo Tycoon® 2: African Adventure†and “Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania®†E10+ r ...
1 777
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II

But surely, you might say, the Battle for Middle Earth is over? Aragorn and Gandalf have triumphed. The Ring has met its end in Mount Doom. We´ve already fought our way through Helms Deep and the Pelinor Fields.
1 775
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Guild Wars Factions - Character Types

Among the many new features that the Factions stand alone addition will bring to the Guild Wars franchise are two completely new character types: the Assassin and Ritualist.
1 817
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Age Of Empires III Expansion Pack Announced

The new expansion pack will build off of the exciting real-time-strategy gameplay of Age of Empires III, providing players with the ability to lead one of three proud Native American civilizations, including the Iroquois Confederation, to expand their empire and fight for control of the Americas.
1 804
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Galactic Civilizations II Review

Galactic Civilizations II is the evolutionary sequel to Galactic Civilizations. Bringing the franchise into the wonderful world of 3D and scaleable interfaces, GC2 is a familiar friend who hasn´t changed much over the years to fans of the series.
2 885
avatar Last reply by sotos,

Games - the ethics issue

With every generation of new graphics card comes a new level of realism, of full immersion into games that are sometimes ethically dubious. Already we spend hours out of every day either killing monsters, killing humans, being drug dealing gangsters or simply living a completely separate existence in our favourite ...
1 918
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

XTreme-G 84-12.v2 Released

Well this driver is a rare find in the world of drivers, great Image Quality and Speed. We also used the NVIDIA's International driver set to allow for a wider population of users.
1 928
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Main site login?

How come suddenly I can login to the forum ok but on the main site I now get an incorrect User Name or Password error message. .
2 1390
avatar Last reply by Anonymous,

Forceware 83.91 WHQL Win XP/2K

Date: 13/02/2006 WHQL: 21/02/2006 Official: no Languages: International OS: Windows 2000/Xp (Translated by Google French to English) Here today a version 83.91 of the series of Forcewares, this version allows dealt with of the chipsets Geforce 6 & 7 pennies Windows 2000/Xp, WHQL.
1 1270
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

EGM Reveals Rainbow Six: Vegas

Regular readers of 1UP's sister magazine Electronic Gaming Monthly may have noticed a teaser in the back of the March issue pointing out that the April issue would reveal the first next-gen game in the Rainbow Six series.
1 830
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Conflict: Global Terror demo

I´m Sergeant John Bradley, the leader of Red Team - a rapid-response anti-terrorist unit. We´ve been through a hellish time recently but I‘m afraid that´s classified.
1 941
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Age Of Empires III Patch 1.05

Standalone 1.05 Patch Released The stand alone version of patch v1.05 is now available from our downloads page. Once the file has been downloaded, run the exe file to update your game to the latest version.
1 979
avatar Last reply by Jackass,

Alternate names for "Brokeback Mountain"

ROFLMAO ! This is gonna be fun ! Ok heres some and add more for the fun of it. Humpback Mounting Billy the Poledancer Fisting for Dollars Pole Rider Well Decorated Wagon Train Bonernanza Big Country Boy Last of the Homicans Buttfellow Bill Cody The Narrow Tail Tumblebutts The Good, the Bad, and the Gay Any Gun Can ...
2 6140
avatar Last reply by Dark Biene,

The Godfather: The Game Ships March

Based on the critically acclaimed book by Mario Puzo which inspired the classic 1972 Francis Ford Coppola movie and its two sequels, the game will adopt a Grand Theft Auto style of approach giving you the role of a young employee entering the Corleone family.
2 1103
avatar Last reply by Juomaru,