I'm going to do a clean install of win2k but I don't want to loose all my favorites in internet explorer,How can I save them?,And where can I find the folder?
XP window opening
Guardian Angel
Hey all, Got a bit of an annoying one, hope you can help. I can only open 5 window at a time now. No more will open. And if there are all 5 open, I can't right-click anything, window have to be exited through th top-right hand cross.
Mem help Plz :(
I know this might sound dumb but yes thy greatness lol, needs help also lol What in BIOS are these timings called, Its famous on what they Co. s put put out like this.
nForce4 Driver 6.69 x64
ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/standalone/6.69/ Audio driver version 4.62 (WHQL) Audio utility version 4.51 Ethernet NRM driver version 4.82 (WHQL) Network management tools version 4.
nForce 430/410 Driver 8.22 x32/x64
ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/standalone/430_410/ Ethernet NRM driver version 50.09 (WHQL) Network management tools version 50.09 SMBus driver version 4.
nForce4 Driver 7.13 x32/x64
ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/7.13/ Audio driver version 4.62 (WHQL) Audio utility version 4.51 Ethernet NRM driver version 4.82 (WHQL) Network management tools version 4.
lol, my brother is an idiot.
His AMD2800+ wouldnt boot windows. Didnt know why. Computer just shut off on him He is good with PC's. Not a Guru, but not an idiot. While booting up, it doesnt detect 1 hard drive.
"Eight hours with the Xbox 360"
For anyone who is interested in Xbox 360, this Xbox 360 impressions write-up is quite possibly the best one yet, IMO. . . : http://www. gamespot. com/forums/show_msgs.
"Remote control device 'controls' humans"
http://www. ctv. ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor. . . 026?hub=SciTech.
nForce4 Driver 6.70
A empty folder appeared today with a date of 10/25/05.Hopefully any hour well see some new official driver's ftp://download. nvidia. com/Windows/nForce/standalone/6.
Advice On Buying A Laptop
Hi there. As my first year at uni has started, i've now had the need to get a laptop. Now I tried researching into reviews but couldn't come to any real answer.
Funny Nvidia, Latest Game With Diff Drivers
Arg. Thats what i can say i recently baught a new rig(in sig), how little did i know that some thing will crawl ; I was reading benchmarks over the games, and i was really shocked by some very low n some very high scores, and i was wondering.
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Warp2Search sucht möglichst bald einen Redakteur für Hardware in den Bereichen Cases, Netzteile, später ggf. auch Grafikkarten, Mainboards etc. Voraussetzungen: Alter über 18 Jahren, wohnhaft in Deutschland, möglichst Nähe Hannover.