not sure if this news has been posted already: Wired News: Mighty Mice Regrow Organs
New nVidia Control Panel.
Me and Rewt were playing with FW 81.28 and discovered the new Control panel. This will probably become the replacement Control Panel, sometime in the 80's drivers.
MainPage Posts !!
I see as of today, I posted 2 or past days more then that, And havent recieved the Credit for these Items. I wonder Why !?? I just like seeing, Thank's Garik Fox LoL Eg.
Forceware 77.79 WHQL for Win XP MCE is out.
This morning nVidia released this driver. Over shadowed with 78.05 yesterday. But for those with Windows XP MCE this might be of interest. The driver is WHQL for most modern GPU's.
ATi Catalyst 8.18 BETA
http://www. station-drivers. com/telechargem. . . beta%202kxp. exe 8) I have no idea whats new I just spotted it and I dont speak French. .
ATI rewrote their OpenGL Driver
It seems ATI Catalyst 5.5 is using two OpenGL drivers instead of one: Atioglx1.dll v6.14.10.1006, 6,680,576 bytes. Atioglxx. dll v6.14.10.5079, 4,820,992 bytes.
Antiwar 1.4
http://www. feuerware. com/antiwar/ this is a small free shooting game. . . . just kill everything that moves. . . quite funny info general info AntiWar is a simple shooter.
Rammstein *New song*
Pre-Release. . I hope u all will like, There my favorite band, Well one of them. This is a new song from them lets see what you all think. ? German's RULE !! http://members.
Forceware 78.82 is out
Rene, found these @ Toshiba for their go6200 and go6600 laptops. These are WHQL, no international files, but setup files included. Driver and modded INF (needed) can be found the usual way, follow link in my sig.
nForce4 Driver 8.12
http://www. station-drivers. com/page/nvidia%20nforce. htm This nForce Win2K/XP driver package contains the below components: Ethernet NRM driver version 50.09 (WHQL) Network management tools version 50.
Processor Upgrade Problems
Helllo i recently changed cpu's amd 3000 64 bit to a 3700 64 bit. The problem i'm having is booting my machine completly. If i use the abit default setting for my cpu save and exit boot up fails with a blue screen.
ATI Catalyst 5.9 with CCC
We have modded the new ATI Catalyst 5.9 for Mobility into a driver that will support all the desktop cards as well. Since it's not the official version, please use at your own risk.
Serious Sam II Demo on Wednesday
http://www. shacknews. com/onearticle. x/38738 Good news for all the Serious Sam fans, as 2K Games just let us know that a Serious Sam 2 demo is being released tomorrow! The 250mb download includes one level which can be played solo, or co-op over LAN or online with up to four people.
Forceware 81.26 is out
Finally another 80's series release. These are dated 26th of August 2005, makes them. Driver and modded INF for al the GPU's that arn't supported in the original INF can be found here: http://www.
My new hobby what ya think ? :)
could you please tell in your story whenever a tool version is a beta version or not ? because TVTool 6.x is a beta version. the latest official version that is NOT beta is version 5.
Optimized Mozilla x32/x64 builds
Development Builds: (Firefox 1.6 Alpha 2 x64) http://www. html (Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 x32) http://www. mozilla. org/projects/firefox (Thunderbird 1.
Zalman 9500 Compatible with Supermicro P4SPA+P4SPE?
I have a Supermicro P4SPA+P4SPE MB and was wondering if the new Zalman 9500 cooling unit will fit my board. .
How to prevent SPAM ? Your tips
I think, everybody of us got spam every day, one people more a day, others less. But it is very annoying to open your inbox and read tons of letters about viagra, Mr.
Post ur nTune Benchmark
Dark Biene
u can download this nice utility here it´s an extended version of the old NVIDIA System Utility i´ve just run the benchmark. . . . right point is made with AV Guard running the other 2 are without my sys is listed in my Sig What points can u reach? is this a good benchmark? show ur points! :beer:.