Ext2 File System Driver 0.69

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Ext2 File System Driver is a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system driver for advanced users to change drive letters as well as remove dead letters, partition type, flush cache, and more.
Ext2 File System Driver is a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system driver for advanced users to change drive letters as well as remove dead letters, partition type, flush cache, and more.We always like to warn people about using apps like this because, without the proper knowledge, your Windows may not boot should you change the drive letter or volume type. We've also made the portable version available for download to intentionally make it more difficult. Ext2 File System Driver has been known to have a few bugs and compatibility issues. That said, we played around with it for an hour and had no issues. We also noticed some of the negative comments about Ext2 File System Driver came from people who seemed unaware of what happens when you change the partition type of an active drive.That said, Ext2 File System Driver has a very simple to use interface. Highlight a drive and either right-click or go to the Tools menu to see what you can do. You can change a drive letter, flush cache to disk, change partition type, copy, reload, show properties, service management, Ext2Fsd stats, and remove dead letters.Everything we tried worked. Overall, this an excellent hard drive manager to change a drive letter, partition type or get statistics.